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Our Dependence On Electricity

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:05 am
by GreyIxia
I will admit: Electricity is mighty useful.

But doesn't anyone else think that we probably depend on it a little too much?

Isn't it horrible when there's a black-out or something in your area, especially at night?

I use electricity just as much as the next person and I am really fascinated by it, but I just think that we can't always depend on it. That's why I enjoy reading. Honestly, boks would be more rare if the weren't any electricity, but that's besides the point :).

Any opinions?

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:22 am
by johnson1010
it's true.

We are hugely dependant on electricity.

If the power were out for too long i think people would go into hysterics. I seem to recall during that big power outage in new york a while back there were fears that people would think that the laws had been suspended and go native. Irrational, but that is where the mind goes without that framework of civilization.

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 1:58 pm
by Interbane
Living in a hurricane hit area for a couple weeks after a hurricane is an interesting experience. Everyone goes to be when the sun goes down(or after reading by candlelight for a while). Most people spend most of their leisure time outside reading, cooking, socializing, or walking rather than inside watching TV. The largest impact of all seems to be the refrigerator. You quickly find yourself only eating food that doesn't need refrigeration.

Well, all this was the case up until we had a flat screen TV and XBox powered by a generator and held video game competitions.

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:55 pm
by GreyIxia
Yeah, the fridge is something I would definitely miss. It's interesting how they stored butter, ice, et cetera, in coolers back in the day. Also I saw a sort of wardrobe that had screens to keep out flies, which is what they used to store pies and cakes.

We had a small hurricane last year, but food wasn't really a problem because my mom always keeps food that doesn't need to be refrigerated. When it's hurrican season, it's wise to stock up on water, food, and batteries and flashlights. It's always good to be prepared :).

And there was a time when there was a 3 month black-out somewhere. Well, I think it was 3 months.

Technology is great but without it, many would indeed go into hysterics. Especially after depending on it for so long and the ones who were born with electricity (like myself) don't exactly know what it's like to go witout it for a while.

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:19 am
by SouthernBellaKV
I have lived in one of the great hurricane states my entire life. On top of that, the neighborhood I grew up in is almost nothing but hundred year old oak and magnolia trees, so we would regularly lose power if somebody sneezed too hard. During hurricanes, we did rely on a generator to keep us connected with the news and the weather reports, as well as keeping the fridge cold. I know there were many times when we were all boarded up inside our house that it made me realize how grateful I was to live through the weather situations in a technological age. I couldn't imagine having to sit through a hurricane and not know what is going on around us, or it taking weeks or months to get news.

I think it's important to embrace the knowledge and technological achievement that has been discovered over the centuries. I do believe in God, and I believe that if we weren't meant to have it, He wouldn't have given people the knowledge skills to discover everything that has been discovered. I enjoy electricity. I really enjoy indoor plumbing and air conditioning.

I do think it's important for people to know how to handle being without. Living here, I grew up learning how to survive for a couple of weeks without electricity. (I promise you, the power company always turned our power on last...I swear it...) During Hurricane Opal, we were out of power for two and a half weeks, and we didn't have enough gas to keep the generator running that entire time. We had a lot of outdoor grilling and warm drinks. It also instilled another important value in my life: dishwashers are a God send.

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:25 am
by GreyIxia
Ooh, that's nice. I mean, it's not nice to lose electricity so often, but it is nice to have grown up that way. I know some people who depend on electricity so much.

Technology is wonderful and mighty useful as well.

I'd like a dishwaher :). Is it true that you have to rinse the plates before you put them in?

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:39 pm
by Iluvbookz13
It is true we have become extremely overdependant on electricity...among other things. Although I must admit, electricity is useful, and, whether you want to belive it or not, is essentially powering this website right now. If we could learn to harness to full extent wind and solar energy, however, the world would definately be a better place. My grandfather works for The Energy Trust of Oregon, and after seeing what he does, I can tell that if we just put some research and effort into solar and wind energy, we'd probably almost be able to match the effects and capabilites of regular electricty, without harming the environment. I am looking forward to the day that the majority of the human race learns, adapts, and transitions into Solar and Wind energy.

Boy, when you wish upon a star...

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:47 pm
by GreyIxia
Haha, honestly, I was avoiding the fact that without electricity, we wouldn't be here on this website :).

It's true that we can try to use Wind and Solar energy. My grandparents has a solar-powered house for hurrican incidents. And my brother owns a solar-powered car (for an event we hold here called Solar Sprint Race). Solar energy comes in handy during the day and wind energy comes in handy when there's wind, obviously, but what about those times when it isn't day and there's no wind? I've also heard of animal mills and have seen one in person. I don't like the idea of using animals though...

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:58 pm
by Iluvbookz13
LOL the day humans learn to harness energy from cows...that will be the day XD

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:46 pm
by GreyIxia
Hmm... I think they used horses... Maybe we could make gas out of milk! Then, milk would be valuable to me. (I'm lactose-intolerent [well, it's mostly just milk that's the problem. I can eat other dairy products, but not too much, but a drop of milk makes my stomach ach. And that, my friend, is why I like soy milk. Plus it comes in different flavors, yum]).