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Bonjour à tous!

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:30 pm
by suitefrancaise
Bonjour! I am very excited to join a community that actually talks about what I love - books! :) I found it by accident when I was looking for a reference, and there it was,, and I knew that I had to join immediately. My name is Emélia (Mélle) and I have grown up and live in Paris as a twenty-one year old second-year med student. When I am not studying, I am sure you all can guess what I do: that's right, I read! With preferences to books I do not have any - I read nonfiction, fiction, classic, contemporary - and I am glad to have found like-minded people to talk about this with. At last! My favourite era of writing is the early to mid 20th Century, and I adore Russian literature. I also love Russian music and one of my favourite past-times is to play Rachmaninoff on the old piano in my apartment (but, truthfully, I am not very good!). I love running in the mornings when it is just dawn, drinking far too much café, getting lost, learning about new books (and wishing I was in some of them), taking photographs and daydreaming about books. Merci!

Re: Bonjour à tous!

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:14 pm
by Chris OConnor
Excellent intro! Welcome to the community. :)

Re: Bonjour à tous!

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 6:13 pm
by QuietWoman
Bonjour et bienvenue!