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I'm a book publicist and happy to join this forum

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:55 pm
by Bookfan
Hi, I'm Kae, a 60+ female from suburban Philadelphia. I've worked in publishing since the 80s and am an avid reader. In other forums I'll be talking about some of my book projects, but I just wanted to introduce myself here. I manage a neighborhood book club so I'll probably talk about our selections as well.

Re: I'm a book publicist and happy to join this forum

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:19 pm
by johnson1010

Re: I'm a book publicist and happy to join this forum

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:48 pm
by Bookfan
Thank you. I love this site!

Re: I'm a book publicist and happy to join this forum

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:03 am
by Chris OConnor
Welcome to :)

I'd love if you told us about your neighborhood book club.

Re: I'm a book publicist and happy to join this forum

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 6:35 am
by Azrael
Welcome to BT................


Re: I'm a book publicist and happy to join this forum

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 9:34 am
by Bookfan
I live in a planned residential community with about 200 households. About 5 years ago a friend and I decided we'd start a reading group and see who in the neighborhood might be interested. We wrote a notice in our neighborhood newsletter and on the meeting day about 8 women showed up. My friend and I talked about the "rules" of our group. We would read 10 books a year, fiction and nonfiction, chosed by the members. We would meet at our neighborhood clubhouse and refreshments (wine, cheese, etc) would be provided by a different member each month. We would shy away from romances, and chick-lit in general, figuring all who liked those books could read them on their own.
Our group has prospered and grown since that first meeting--we now have 10 members. I think we've been successful, in part, because of how we select our reading list. Every November we meet for a potluck dinner at a member's home. Each member brings two book suggestions and then tells the group about them. After all books are presented, we vote for the 10 we think would be most interesting for the next year. We also assign reviewers (usually the person who suggested the book) and refreshment-bringers for the entire year. (We don't meet in December.) By the end of the evening we have our year's schedule mapped out and everyone can start reading.
Our system works like a charm and allows people to read ahead if they like and to prepare their reviews in plenty of time for the meetings. Favorite titles over the years have included many of the usual suspects such as THE LOVELY BONES, THE FIG EATER, LOVING FRANK; classics such as MADAME BOVARY and FATHER GORIOT; and a few nonfiction selections such as MOUNTAINS UPON MOUNTAINS.
Our selection this month is THE HELP which we'll discuss in late May.

Re: I'm a book publicist and happy to join this forum

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 10:04 am
by Randall R. Young

I am in the book business, as well... Sort of. I produce audiobooks, aka "read-a-longs" for children. I think you might find an author or two around here who could use some publicity.

Does your book club ever go in for sci-fi? I am a big fan of that genre, and might recommend one or two titles that would qualify as literature, as well.

Re: I'm a book publicist and happy to join this forum

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 10:39 am
by Bookfan
We have not read any sci-fi to date, unless you consider Margaret Atwood sci-fi. I'd like to hear your suggestions.

Re: I'm a book publicist and happy to join this forum

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 1:34 pm
by Randall R. Young
"The Cyberiad" ~Stanislaw Lem
"Cryptonomicon" ~Neal Stephenson
"The Left Hand of Darkness" ~Ursula K. Le Guin
"Last and First Men" ~Olaf Stapledon

Re: I'm a book publicist and happy to join this forum

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 1:56 pm
by Bookfan
Thanks! I've read and enjoyed Ursula LeGuin. I think it's time to revisit her. I'll look into the others too.