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Bobcat10- Always looking for my next great read!

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 8:44 pm
by Bobcat10
Hello! So I stumbled on your site as I was searching for my next book to read. I'm always looking for good book recommendations, and unfortunately my friends are tired of me bugging them about it! Anyway, I live in Southern Ohio and aside from reading, I'm a outdoor girl. I love to kayak, hike, garden, and just sit in the grass. Despite the fact that I'm only 23, I'm terrible with technology, so hopefully I don't mess things up too terribly! I love reading all kinds of books, from the trashy (i.e. Twilight) to the classics (my favorite is Pride and Prejudice), and I love mysteries (especially Kathy Reichs). I'm also discovering that I'm a nonfiction fan as well. Anyway, I'm a teacher, and now that it's summer, I'm thrilled to have some time off to read. I'm so excited to get to talk about my reads with some other people!

Re: Bobcat10- Always looking for my next great read!

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 8:46 am
by Chris OConnor
Welcome to :)