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Mon nom est Charity...tu connais mon nom

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:48 am
by charityjones89
The song is from a silly little ice breaker we used to sing to introduce ourselves. But as it says above, My name is Charity. It also says you know my name which should really go without saying. I'm a female. I live in Alabama. I like long, romantic walks on the beach.

Only two of those last three facts are actually true :-p

So I live in the south and I'm vegan (I know, weird combo right?). Hobbies are erratic, I do whatever is seasonal and attracts my interest at the time. The only constants are really writing, reading and food (and not necessarily in that order). I'm a grad student so my presence on the boards will fluctuate with my changing schedule and I'm currently unemployed but looking for work in my field of study (I'm and English major, surprise surprise). I could tell you what types of books I love but that would take a few hours so I'll shorten it. My favorite authors are N. Scott Momaday, Neil Gaiman, Victor Hugo, Louise Erdrich, James Joyce, Robert Cormier and pretty much anything Russian or French.

So yeah...c'est moi. :D

Re: Mon nom est Charity...tu connais mon nom

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:07 pm
by Chris OConnor
Wonderful introductory post. Welcome to the community. Just start exploring the forums and find a few threads that sound interesting and dive right in. :)