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Emptying the nest

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:49 pm
by linda8283
Hi everyone :) , I am Linda of the emptynest, 10 days into it so far and finding outlets for communication, such as this site is, is keeping the lonely at bay! I have always loved reading, no specific genre, and have already spotted some interesting possibilities for future reads here. Have to admit to feeling somewhat intimidated by the intelectual intensity of it all but am going to dive in anyway! I work in a physiotherapy office and live on a farm, have 3 grown children and many pets, love to knit, garden, explore my island, and read! Looking forward to this adventure in exchanging thoughts :D

Re: Emptying the nest

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:53 am
by Chris OConnor
Welcome to :)

Our fiction book selections are much lighter than our non-fiction book selections. Please take a look at the books we've read and discussed over the years. I'm sure you'll find that we have a varied membership with all sorts of interests. The intellectual stuff usually stays in the non-fiction area.

I think we need to read and discuss more fiction just for fun. You're not the only one who has commented on the intimidation factor. There isn't a way to get away from that when it comes to non-fiction. The sign of a good non-fiction book group is the depth of the discussion. But when we talk about fiction there should be a totally different feeling to the discussion.

Re: Emptying the nest

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:55 pm
by linda8283
Thanks for the encouragement, am looking forward to the next group pick and ensuing discussions!

Re: Emptying the nest

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:25 am
by Suzanne
Hello and welcome linda8283!

Our next fiction discussion will be starting in September. The selection will be lighter in style than some of our former selections. It should be fun, you can preview the two nominations in the fiction poll forum. I hope you will join in! :)

Re: Emptying the nest

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:02 am
by lindad_amato
Hello Linda. I think you'll really enjoy BookTalk. Hope you jump in on the next Fiction discussion.