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Hail, fellow bookworms, I'm new :)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:20 am
by mywitastoundsme
Hi everyone,

I'll give a little intro to myself,
My name is Maria, I live in Glendale, Arizona aka an amazingly dry hot dessert which someday i will leave.
I like drawing, playing my guitar, writing short stories and poetry, and I LOVE reading.
Some of my favorite books are: The Lord of the Rings (but mostly because of the movies, and yes i know that's Tolkien sacrilege), I love everything Steinbeck ever wrote, I like most of Stephen Kings books but his early stuff more than anything, I've been know to read teen fiction because i like getting mad at things i can't control, haha.
That's me in a nutshell. :D

Re: Hail, fellow bookworms, I'm new :)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:49 pm
by candy2050
Hi bookworm. I am reading The Hunger Games, young adult fiction. I am really enjoying it.

Re: Hail, fellow bookworms, I'm new :)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:41 am
by Chris OConnor
Welcome to the community. :)

Re: Hail, fellow bookworms, I'm new :)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:58 am
by mywitastoundsme
What do you guys do, is it alright to jump into a conversation? cause I know some places were thats considered very rude. :(

Re: Hail, fellow bookworms, I'm new :)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:55 pm
by Dexter
I would say, yes, jump right in. It would not be considered rude here at all.

That would seem odd to me for a publicly available forum.

Re: Hail, fellow bookworms, I'm new :)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:40 pm
by mywitastoundsme
Thanks will do! :)

Re: Hail, fellow bookworms, I'm new :)

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:14 am
by Louiii
Hey :) i just signed up ass well, how long you been playing guitar?
I've been playing for 6-7 years acoustic and electric but do an acoustic hip hop project currently.

oh and btw what do you mean jump in conversation is there a chat room or something?
I'm new to any forum especially book discussions.

Re: Hail, fellow bookworms, I'm new :)

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:32 am
by mywitastoundsme
I've been playing for about 5 years, I play mostly more folk on my classical these days. But I do like playing Jimi Hendrix on my Gibson, or attempting it at least, haha.

Oh, I was just wondering if there was some kind of etiquette to the forum thing, I'm pretty new too, but there was this place I went to one time, were it wasn't ok to just jump into a convo, but this place is really nice.

Hope to see ya round the boards! :)