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Who is JaneWiggin?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:10 pm
by JaneWiggin
That'd be me. :) Or you can just call me Nikki. JaneWiggin is a nickname from a friend, apparently I remind him of her. It's rather weird being compared to an AI, but hey who am I to complain?

I'm a girl. Yay for being female. I live in Massachusetts, USA! Totally not looking forward to the Massachusetts summer this year, winter was so weird (No Snow!) that I think we might get a very hellish summer. Though, that means that I won't want to do anything but lounge around and read. Which is always a plus.

Let's see, I like to do a lot of things. When I'm not in school though, I mainly just read and hang out with my husband, spending lots of time with our nieces and nephews; traveling to see my parents and family, though thankfully I won't be stuck in a car to head to Wyoming this year. I also write, sporadically. Creativity comes in waves and I finally get why some authors literally have to force themselves to sit and write. If only you could see all the unfinished stories in my documents folder / the twenty or so notebooks I have hidden away.

Though, when it's comes to writing, I'm generally not picky. I think I've read a little bit from every genre, though I haven't touched on the sub-genre's of those genres. I think even that would take me years upon years. Right now, I'm in a Romance mood, not the trashy romance kind (aka vaginal romance... damn you Felicia Day) but just romance in general. A month ago, I was reading nothing but science fiction. Who knows that the next month will bring!

How did you find - Google. That is all.

Re: Who is JaneWiggin?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 10:02 pm
by Chris OConnor
Welcome to the community. :)