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Kindles and iPads and Nooks, oh my!

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:17 am
by Cattleman
Christmas before last, my kdis gave me a Kindle (Keyboard). I have read about 15 - 20 books on it so far, some of which have been purchased, some gifts, some free, even some checked out from an on-line library. From my experience I have discovered some definite likes and dislikes about my Kindle:

:) Likes: (1) Portbility; much lighter than the average book. (2) Ability to 'carry' a sizeable library in such a small package; my particular version of the Kindle claims it can hold 3500 average sized books. (3) The ability to increase the size of the type; my eyesight has degenerated due to age and health conditions, and small type (e.g. the average paperback) is almost impossible for me to read. (4) My Kindle has two built-in dictionaries. It is easy to check on the definition of an obscure word.

:angry: Dislikes: (1) I miss the heft, smell, and feel of a 'real' book. I know this is purely subjective, but there it is. (2) I worry that as e-readers begin to suplant rather than supplement bound books, the price may increase too much. This may be groundless, but it is there. (3) As I read, I like to flip back and forth (What was her name again?). This is tricky on a Kindle if you are going more than a few pages.

How about you? What do you like and dislike about your e-reader (assuming you have one). It can be Kindle, Nook, iPad, Laptop, Desktop, even a smart phone.

For those of you considering buying or using an e-reader, I hope this will prove helpful to you.

Re: Kindles and iPads and Nooks, oh my!

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:25 am
by heledd
Yes the only annoying thing about the Kindle is that you can't easily flip back and fore, otherwise I'm very happy with it

Re: Kindles and iPads and Nooks, oh my!

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:37 am
by Dexter
I use an iPad as e-reader, it's heavier but I like it. I like using the "night view" (black background with white text) to read in the dark. Being able to do other things besides reading has its pros and cons, obviously.

I don't take notes that often, but it's a nice ability to have, and to be able to highlight things and actually find them again.

For me, since I often read several things at once, and sometimes don't finish them, it works well for me. I still feel that odd obligation to finish books that I start, but I'm trying to get over that. (I read mostly nonfiction.)

I agree, you can't flip through a book like you can with print.

Re: Kindles and iPads and Nooks, oh my!

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:03 pm
by Cattleman
To Dexter: Had I been purchasing one, I probably would have gone with an iPad as it is much more versatile... but then, I didn't look a gift Kindle in the mouth. :wink:

Re: Kindles and iPads and Nooks, oh my!

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:49 pm
by Dexter
Yeah, I thought the LCD screen would make it hard to read, and I thought it'd be nice to have the e-ink of the Kindle, but I haven't had any issues with it. Maybe a little glare occasionally, and I don't try to use it in direct sunlight.

Re: Kindles and iPads and Nooks, oh my!

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:39 pm
by crisnee
I've had Kindles (E-ink versions) for several years. I think they're easier on the eyes than many/most books and they're very convenient for me as I read several books at a time. Since I prefer literature to most anything else it's also very cheap to get most of what I read.

I like the instant dictionary. I find myself looking up words all the time as opposed to rarely, when I have to go to a "real" dictionary.

I like putting documents and pdfs on them. Html documents will allow for links and TOCs, which is nice.

What I don't like:
No browsing. I like to survey books at times.
No flipping back and forth, and the lack of real page numbers on many, though not all books.


Re: Kindles and iPads and Nooks, oh my!

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:04 pm
by usdfg
There's are all good points. Another great advantage of all the ebook devices available today is that a lot of authors are able to self publish their novels :)

Re: Kindles and iPads and Nooks, oh my!

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:02 pm
by vgrefer
I don't own any ereader yet but I would LOVE a kindle. So so much!!!

Re: Kindles and iPads and Nooks, oh my!

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:13 am
by Cattleman
An interesting sidenote: A nearby school district has announced that it will not issue textbooks this year\; rather, each high school student will be issued an iPad. The admin feels that the cost will be less, the material can be updated more easily, and that there will be other benefits. I will try to keep track of this, as it may be the wave of the future. Anyone else hear of local schools going this route?

Re: Kindles and iPads and Nooks, oh my!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:17 am
by JamesRConway
I was not aware until recently that there are free eBook readers available to download on to your computer to allow you to read eBooks when you don't actually own a Kindle.

The free Kindle Reader is available at ... 1000425503

You can test it out with my FREE eBook which is my first novel called "Terror Illusions" and available free at