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Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 9:23 am
by JustinL87
Hi everyone i'm brand new here and just found this site. I am a 25 year old guy. I live in Florida, I was born in North Carolina(best state I have been to) but I was an Air Force brat through high school and have lived in North Carlonia-Okinawa, Japan-Kansas-Maryland and Florida.

Hobbies are too many to list so i will just say redneck stuff plus video games, reading and writing. Interests are: pyschology, emergency medicine(Im a medic), politics-Libertarian Party, foreign cultures and languages-Im trying to teach myself German, cooking, movies-mainly horror, heavy metal music, mythology and religion, history, biology- mainly evolutionary.

I like sci-fi, fantasy and horror books. I also love non fiction books about wars written by people who experienced them. I think my favorite author is Steve Alten, so far I haven't read a book of his that I didn't love.

I found this site through google.

Re: Hello

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 2:02 pm
by MaryLupin
hey JustinL87 - what a great intro to yourself. Why Alten instead of some other writer in that genre? And your interest in evolutionary biology is cool. What have you read in that area and what are some of your key thoughts about it?

Re: Hello

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 2:42 pm
by JustinL87
Ive liked Alten since Meg. I like sharks and Meg is like Jaws on steroids. Evolutionary biology just interests me, its like the logical alternative to Genesis, I was raised Catholic and learning about evolution is like a breath of fresh air.

Re: Hello

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:28 pm
by MaryLupin
JustinL87 wrote:like Jaws on steroids.
all i have to say to that is - gack - not my cup of tea i'm afraid
JustinL87 wrote:Evolutionary biology just interests me, its like the logical alternative to Genesis, I was raised Catholic and learning about evolution is like a breath of fresh air.
I knew a man that gravitated to biology after he realized that (in his words) "his faith was lie". He told me he had to sneak away to go read evolution and biology books in the library so no one from his family or community would see him entering the library and the dreaded "science" stacks.

Are you reading anything particular right now that is in the field of evolutionary biology?

I always admired him for the courage.

Nice to see you here.

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:05 am
by Chris OConnor
Welcome to the community. :-)

Re: Hello

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 2:48 pm
by JustinL87

No im not reading anything on the subject right now but i might check out the bio section next time i go to the library

I look through my textbooks every now and then when im bored though, they have some good info in them