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Hi, another newbie is here!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:57 am
by tomrosemasters
Dear all,

my name is Milan, and I am an agent/promoter of the book that was written by my friend Thomas. I like to read general fiction, non/fiction, and sometime crime fiction. I also work as a researcher in the field of Slavic literature.
Several years ago I started reading as many books in English as I could, because I wanted to develop my language skills and understanding, but also, I wanted to have the pleasure of reading English books in English. So far, I am quite happy with the range of authors I could grasp and understand. Yet, there are names that are still unreachable like A. S. Bayatt, Henry James, Iris Murdoch, Joyce Carol Oates, etc.
Currently I am reading the novel by Alison Lurie, The truth about Lorin James. Before this one, I read Foreign Affairs and I was really amazed how masterful and simple her writing is, but yet, how profound insights she offers to a reader.
I hope I will also have the opportunity to share my experience with the novel that I would like to promote and suggest to all of you.
But, that will happen in another topic.
All the best from cold Belgrade,

Re: Hi, another newbie is here!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:43 am
by WendyJoIA
Hello and welcome to Milan

Re: Hi, another newbie is here!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:49 am
by tomrosemasters
Dear Wendy,
thank you for your welcome:)
I am learning how the forum works, so I think I will be active in the future. :)

Re: Hi, another newbie is here!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:21 pm
by Cattleman
Hi Milan, and welcome to Book Talk. If any of us can help you by suggesting an author, we will be glad to do so. Are there any particular genres you enjoy? Historical ficiton, crime/mystery, science fiction/fantasy, adventure????

Re: Hi, another newbie is here!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:06 pm
by Olivia22
Hello milan! Welcome to booktalk!

Re: Hi, another newbie is here!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:40 pm
by tomrosemasters
Dear Cattleman and Olivia, thank you for the warm welcome.
And for the suggestion about the books. Let's start with some good crime fiction..? What would you recommend :)

Re: Hi, another newbie is here!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:54 pm
by Cattleman
I would recommend Michael Connelly's Harry Bosch series, if you can get it. It starts with "The Black Echo." There are 15-16 books in the series so far. For more details go to It is a pretty easy site to find your way around, but is very unforgivng of spelling or grammatical errors, so be very specific.

Re: Hi, another newbie is here!

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:40 am
by tomrosemasters
Cattleman wrote:I would recommend Michael Connelly's Harry Bosch series, if you can get it. It starts with "The Black Echo." There are 15-16 books in the series so far. For more details go to It is a pretty easy site to find your way around, but is very unforgivng of spelling or grammatical errors, so be very specific.

Thank you for the recommendation. Several people told me about Michael Connelly, so I will now definitely get the books.
And in regards to the web site, my friend, Thomas Rose-Masters made his homepage on the computer. :)