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An Accessory for Your Book!! a/k/a Bookmark

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:04 pm
by WendyJoIA
Everyone has been so welcoming when I joined back in December that I hope you don’t mind me posting this.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October and after 2 surgeries, I had my first radiation treatment today with 34 more to go (the cancer is gone and the radiation is follow up). While I LOVE reading, at times I have found that spending time with my sewing machine is quite therapeutic as well. I know a lot of people have Nooks and Kindles but I know many still read a good old book. Would anyone be interested a bookmark? I have been making them out of quilting fabric. I have them for all ages. They are very inexpensive, cute and make nice gifts too. I gave one to my friend for her daughter (with monkeys on it) to go with a book called “5 Little Monkeys”.

Here is a link to my blog to see them: Thanks so much.

Happy reading!
Wendy Jo

Re: An Accessory for Your Book!! a/k/a Bookmark

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:04 pm
by WendyJoIA
thank you so much for the kind words...I appreciate them :)

Re: An Accessory for Your Book!! a/k/a Bookmark

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:10 am
by DJWilde
Wendy, kudos to you on your battle for life. Kudos for making something inspiring too. You might want to try Etsy for selling bookmarks. Make sure there are photos. My wife does crochet and makes all sorts of cool geek references out of them. I would suggest that for you too or maybe just some good ol country crafts? As form me, sorry, Have plenty of my own bookmarks that I order to go with my books.

Re: An Accessory for Your Book!! a/k/a Bookmark

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 6:53 pm
by WendyJoIA
Thank you DJWilde for your kind words and for mentioning Etsy as well.