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Hello I'm Edith from Austria!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:56 am
by LaGraziana
I just joind BookTalk and I'd better introduce myself before jumping into matters:

As my first name - Edith - indicates to most people on this planet, but not to all, I'm female. I'm from Austria which also means that my primary language is German.

My favourite hobbies are reading and writing. As for writing I belong to an endangered species because I adore snail mail correspondence with the friends I made in Europe above all. A few years ago I also got myself into fiction writing and saw my first small successes there - three of my short stories have been published in uninportant Austrian literature magazines. In December I launched my first blog ( where I'm posting book reviews regularly that I hope to be allowed to share with you. It's in English and called Edith's Miscellany, but it's slowly turning into a literature blog.

In books my taste is high-brow rather than mainstream. If you wish to suggest chick lit to me - forget it!

How I found BookTalk? I googled for discussions on books.

That's about it for the moment.

Re: Hello I'm Edith from Austria!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:29 am
by DWill
Welcome to booktalk, Edith. And congratulations on being published. I was wondering just how high your brow is. I suppose I'll find out when we see your reviews, which I'm looking forward to.

Re: Hello I'm Edith from Austria!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:58 pm
by Cattleman
Hi Edith and welcome to Book Talk. Not sure about how 'high brow' my own reading tastes are, as I read a lot of genre fiction (no romance though). Look forward to some interesting discussions.

Re: Hello I'm Edith from Austria!

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:22 pm
by Chris OConnor
Welcome to :-)

Most visitors say that our book discussions tend to be a bit high brow too so maybe you've found a new home here on

Re: Hello I'm Edith from Austria!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:34 am
by LaGraziana
Thanks Chris! We'll see how much I can contribute to this site and its discussions... finding the time is always a bit of a problem these days :(