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Hey, Sarah from Australia

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:39 pm
by SarahKRose
I found this site when looking on the net for ways to get to know people who also written like me. I love to write (obviously) I play in a band called Mystique and I love to draw and paint. Basically anything creative :) I also love animals which is why I am a vegan. Now I know most of you are thinking -boring- but there is vegan chocolate, ice cream, pizza you name it! My favourite book so far is 'when she was bad' by Jonathan Nasaw. It shocked me a bit when I started reading it but soon enough I couldn't put the book down! Just a really creepy story with an impact after you read it. One thing that makes a great book isn't always the story but the way it's written an Jonathan is a great writer! Some others: lessons from a dead girl, tweak, most of Ellen Hopkins books, sworn to silence, the broken window... I could go on and on and on

Re: Hey, Sarah from Australia

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 5:04 pm
by Monyx
Hi Sarah from Australia!! I love art as well...i dont draw much but i love admiring art. Anyways im also new here so welcome! see you around.

Re: Hey, Sarah from Australia

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:46 am
by SarahKRose
It's handy when your able to draw as well as write. Then you can design your book covers, which is what I have done :) nice to hear from you. Are you currently writing anything?

Re: Hey, Sarah from Australia

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:49 am
by cmiller38
Hi Sarah

Nice to meet you I am new here also. I am not creative in the slightest I just love to read and that's why I joined the site but nice to meet you and hope to have many discussions in the future.



Re: Hey, Sarah from Australia

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:53 am
by SarahKRose
Great to meet you :)
If you read then you must have a good imagination, which is creative in itself. I'm in the middle of my third book of a trilogy. Can't wait to edit for people to read!
What's your favourite book?

Re: Hey, Sarah from Australia

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:06 am
by cmiller38
I can't say for certain what is my favourite. Among my favourites are the godfather by Mario Puzo about a boy by Nick Hornby I also love the a song of ice and fire series by George R. R Martin and the Ender's game series by Orson Scott Card. So quite an eclectic mix.

What genre are you books? are you published?

Re: Hey, Sarah from Australia

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:18 am
by SarahKRose
My genre is psychological thriller/mystery/horror.
I'm not published, I'm thinking of just self publishing on amazon once I'm done.
If you will still be on this site in say, a year and a half, maybe two, I'll send you t for free.
I will be eager to hear what people think, honest opinions :)

Re: Hey, Sarah from Australia

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:22 am
by cmiller38
Cool would love to help if I can and I do anticipate staying around so anything I could do I would be glad to

Re: Hey, Sarah from Australia

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 1:32 pm
by Monyx
Hey sorry for the late reply. I like Miller am just here because i enjoy reading and i wanted a better understanding of what books are popular and enjoyed by thats why im here. Lately ive just been reading my books on my laptop. quite handy for nite time.....dont even need a lamp and i have like 900 books in my ereader....toughest part is choosing what to read.

Re: Hey, Sarah from Australia

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:31 pm
by SarahKRose
Cmiller38 Thankyou :) I'll need all the help I can get. I can't wait to finish it all because I already have another idea of a book I wanna write hahaha

MonyX that is a lot of books! That's only thing with writing a book, for me I never read as much as I'd like because I'm too busy writing my own.
I like browsing on wattpad on my home cos it's free :)