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Creative Writing: My Lifeblood

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:01 am
by StephenPByers
“Bon Jour.” My name is Stephen P. Byers; my moniker is bbbwrite. Born in the Province of Quebec, Canada. an environment of two languages, I greet you with the French salutation I think imparts more “joie de vivre” than the mundane English translation. As I matured in this milieu, I discovered I was the product of two extraordinary people. My mother imbued me with her great worry that she would awaken some morning with nothing to do. If she had a spare moment, she would knit, so proficiently she could read and knit at the same time. Father, imbued me with a sense of history in storytelling terms. “If your mother goes to bed at night with a ball of yarn, she awakes in the morning with a pair of socks.” Alas, the day came when they passed on, Father at age 63, Mother at 74, both from cardiovascular causes, as did all the the other members of their generations on both sides of the family. As you might suppose approaching my retirement years, I wondered how I might circumvent a similar demise. Indeed, I succeeded, finding the key to longevity—at age 74 I took up creative writing. Each morning thereafter I have arisen with more to do in the day than I can possibly accomplish in a week. I recently celebrated my 89th birthday, despite the waters in my fountain of youth running low in the form of old age and evaporating gently in the form of memory loss. But I toil on until the morning I arise when I have nothing to do, or I am incapable of doing what I have to do, and then I shall go quietly and join my parents.

Re: Creative Writing: My Lifeblood

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 3:00 pm
by Chris OConnor
Hi Stephen,

Welcome to the community. :-)

I can see how creative writing could be a factor in ones personal happiness, health and longevity. It is very impressive and inspirational to hear that you took up creative writing at 74 years old. And even more impressive is that you're still writing and wanting to share your passion for the written word with others.

We're honored to have you with us here on

Re: Creative Writing: My Lifeblood

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 3:48 pm
by LyndaO
Glad to meet you, Stephen.
I came to writing late as well but began to love reading shortly after my birth.
I wonder why I didn't think of writing for so many years -- busy, I guess.

Honored indeed,

Re: Creative Writing: My Lifeblood

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 5:16 pm
by KoolDanny
Hello Stephen.

It sounds like you had a very impressionable and well-nurtured childhood, many thanks no doubt to your parents' efforts. You have a very expressive and clear writing style. I can almost hear your voice and it's phrasing as I read your entry. Just goes to show that the muses can steal and inspire anyone's inner passions regardless of age.

Pleased to meet you, mon ami.

Re: Creative Writing: My Lifeblood

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 11:06 am
by StephenPByers
TO: KoolDanny

It's 9:30 AM on Sunday morning, December 29. As is my wont, I wandered around my computer checking email, sending a tweet or two, looking for inspiration. I happened into BookTalk.Org because I could not recall the words of my introductory message, thinking they might be of some use in a new biographical essay I intend to write. And there, I found your rewarding response. I think perhaps in this ethereal world of instant communication we may have forgotten the graciousness of face-to-face communications my mother taught to me. Thus, I'm inspired to tell you how heartwarming I found your response, ashamed that I have tarried so long in expressing my appreciation.

Stephen P. Byers