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How you guys track your reading?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 11:47 am
by holywingz
I am using this:

Do you guys are using ereaders?
I am old fashion so stilling looking for useful and cute looking bookmarks, anyone like that?

Re: How you guys track your reading?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:21 pm
by Chris OConnor
Are you or is someone you know the creator of this bookmark?

Re: How you guys track your reading?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 3:36 pm
by President Camacho
These things are all over Youtube. Apparently you can make them from cardboard. I approve anything that helps people from having to dog-ear their books. I almost exclusively buy used books ;)

Re: How you guys track your reading?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 5:32 pm
by Penelope
Pres. Cam said: I almost exclusively buy used books ;)
I almost exclusively sell used books. I call them antiquarian........if they are over a certain age.

But old bookmarks are nice too, although my favourite one is from NASA Cape Canaveral. Not that I've ever been there....but I might, one day. :wink:

Re: How you guys track your reading?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 5:37 pm
by President Camacho
I'm packing up for a move now. I have boxes and boxes of books. I'm told to donate them but they don't understand that I need new books. I need to sell these!

Re: How you guys track your reading?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:30 pm
by Penelope
Canaveral - It's Ca na ver al Penelope you moron!!

Re: How you guys track your reading?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:45 pm
by President Camacho
Guards...? Penelope is off her meds again.

Re: How you guys track your reading?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 5:13 pm
I know I'm probably in the minority here, but I gotta say I love e-books and pdfs.
I'm something of a book hoarder.. I've got loads of books I should probably sell, but I just can't bring myself to get rid off, despite the fact that the clutter is reaching mythical levels, a lot of my books are falling apart, and deep inside I know I'll never read most of them ever again.

My digital books though, are a cinch to manage. I keep all my "non-serious" books (stuff I don't use for work), and some technical books identified and classified through Cailbre, and I have all of that in a dropbox account, which includes a full back up of the entire contents of my kindle, just in case something happens to it... then I have my to-read/already-read list on a trello account... which I never really follow or update unless I feel like I don't have anything to read next (which rarely happens).
Then I use something called docear, for papers and technical stuff, which is great for classifying, sorting out bibliography automagically and relating anything you're using for actual research.... And evernotes as a central notes repository.

I don't actually buy physical books anymore, unless I can't find them online... which sadly happens a lot in the case of spanish books (my native language).

What really seals the deal for me is having my notes available to me immediately in electronic format, which I can then recall, classify and study whenever.... THAT and carrying my entire library with me. Admittedly it's a lot harder to thumb through a book, or return to an earlier page... But still, I feel the trade-off is more than fair. No more clutter.

Re: How you guys track your reading?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:47 pm
by Cattleman
Interesting topic. I read both print and e-books; as regulars here already know, I love my Kindle as it lets me set a comfortable type size (I have almost had to quit reading paperbacks due to vision problems). As for bookmarks, I usually just use whatever the library is handing out at the moment.

Re: How you guys track your reading?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:11 pm
Cattleman wrote:As for bookmarks, I usually just use whatever the library is handing out at the moment.
I have a drawer full of tickets. Bus tickets, movie tickets, theater tickets, old lottery tickets, and other assorted receipts and papers with no other use.

...And I've been known to use old personal memorabilia, when it happens to be the closest thing at hand... Somewhere tucked away inside one of my many sci-fi and fantasy novels there's a picture of my first ever girlfriend, an invitation to my sister's first communion, a miniature map of london, several invitations to birthday parties, etc.