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A Pugnacious Pugilist and Purveyor of Positively Perfect Pages, Perchance introducing himself

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 8:44 pm
by PFWhite
Greetings everyone!

My name is Patrick Fisher White, I'm a self-published author looking to dive more into the “online scene” of book discussion and the like.

Primarily I am interested in all things fantasy and sci-fi, though, like many, my tastes towards those two genres have wavered all over the Proverbial map. I read roughly one book a week to Prevent further loss of sanity (a Progressively more difficult task, I can assure you,) and try my best to write as much as Possible. I also indulge in video games, TV, and as many movies as I can watch.

I am a former US Navy sailor, an avid Player of the concertina, and a former knife fighting instructor. I often sound Positively ridiculous when I say things like this, but that goes with the territory. If one is to live an interesting life, one must be Prepared for others to scoff at it from time-to-time.

Currently, I live in Portland Oregon, though I will soon be moving to Macau China to pursue a career in teaching English as a second language. Some of my absolute favorite authors are: China Mieville, Neil Gaiman, Robert E. Howard, Joe Abercrombie, Cory Doctorow, Mary Gentle, and Peter Watts.

Please, hit me up to talk about books or the like, or, simply to say hello.

-P.F. White

PS: Finding “P” themed words Proved Progressively more difficult as this intro wore on. Perhaps it was not such a noble endeavor in the end?

Re: A Pugnacious Pugilist and Purveyor of Positively Perfect Pages, Perchance introducing himself

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 11:08 am
by Chris OConnor
Great intro, Patrick!

You used enough P's to last a lifetime so no worries there. ;-)

I had to look at the "concertina" and watch a few videos. Feel free to post some videos of you playing...if you have some.

Re: A Pugnacious Pugilist and Purveyor of Positively Perfect Pages, Perchance introducing himself

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:25 am
by GalaxyZento
Far out and well stated.