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Hey everyone!

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 12:46 am
by Putnam14
The best way to join a community is to get to know each other, so I will tell you a bit about myself! :-D

I am a college student and therefore don't have much time for pleasure reading, so I'm trying to catch up during this summer. In college I study finance, information systems, and Spanish. Already have the first four books of the A Song of Ice and Fire series down, then I'm moving on to John Green!

Apart from reading, I love adventuring, hiking, rock climbing, white water kayaking, and finding cool places to just sit down and relax. Most of my days recently have involved going for a morning run, coming home, reading, and chilling with cats.

I hope I can find a spot in this community!

Re: Hey everyone!

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 7:04 pm
by rchapman1tewantin
Hi Putnam14 and welcome. It sounds as if you have a good balance of activity and relaxation! I hope you enjoy BookTalk. I enjoy playing tennis, walking and swimming as well as socialising. I can see why you don't have much time to read for pleasure. I had some great holidays in Spain in my youth - what made you decide to learn Spanish?

Re: Hey everyone!

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:24 am
by GalaxyZento
Awesome to meet you. Best of luck here.