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New to Booktalk and new author

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 2:27 pm
by Mossback49
Hello everyone,

My name is Michael Story, I just joined this website and am eager to hear from others. I am a 66 old, retired Texan who has had a long restrained desire to write, (ever since high school), but life got in the way. After retiring, my first book I self published in Dec 2013 via Amazon as an e book, and then in Jan 2014 via Createspace. The novel is named "They Rode from Round Rock. subtitle is: The McGowan Saga's".

A historical western, taking place in Texas of course, of the early beginnings of the Texas Range Detectives who later were authorized by the state as "Special Rangers". Anyway it takes place in Round Rock, a small town just north of Austin. It is available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other ebook and other online soft back distributors.

I received a 5 star rating from Readers Favorites, however, as an unknown writer, sales have dragged on. I hope to alleviate that through this venue as well as others.

Anyway, this is my HOWDY to all.......


Re: New to Booktalk and new author

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 11:08 pm
by Chris OConnor
Hello Michael,

Welcome to the community. :-)

I've never read a western before. I'm probably due to explore this genre a bit soon.