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Hypocrite Achilles Heel?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:04 am
by Keith and Company
The commercials remind us that hypocrisy is the last thing that should keep us from telling our kids not to do drugs.I never did drugs, and have informed my kids there is nothing to make me even blush if i catch them using, much less to blunt my ire.I've also had maybe two beers in my life (not counting beer bread or beer cooked chicken), two glasses of champagne (wedding, anniversary), and a daquiri. So if they're caught drunk driving they're dead.In fact, even if they get caught doing the stupid things i did as a teen, convinced in my immortality, it won't stop me from doing to them, what i figure my dad would have done to me if caught.But if they do something stupid, not for the sake of doing something stupid, but in the belief a cute girl would look at them, notice them, or anything in the cause of smoochies, i might be more likely to sympathize than to threaten.What about y'all? Sympathy, as in there is at least one thing you'd feel hypocritical about punishing a child for following in your footsteps; Boilerplate, as in nothing they can do penetrates the armor of your parental duties, or are the little house apes themselves your Achilles heel?Sympathy, I was a kid once.Sympathy, if only for ______Boilerplate, hypocrisy not an issueI could never punish one of my childrenNot quite any of the above, because_____Show results

Re: Hypocrite Achilles Heel?

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 10:53 pm
by pctacitus
My kid screws up and they get whats coming to them. Kind punishments, like standing still in a "stress position" for an hour. Of course, I didn't do drugs and have never been drunk, although I did get tipsy once, but I had no intention of driving (and was lacking a car). Really, for me, sarcam, and undermining of authority might be my achilles heel. I guess I can be thankful I don't have any kids. Doug Larson: "The cat could very well be man's best friend but would never stoop to admitting it."

Re: Hypocrite Achilles Heel?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:29 am
by AntyNet0914
Wow, you guys make me feel like a horrible person! Haha, only kidding, but I am no stranger to the world of "drugs and drinking". Hell, I used to be in a band, and yes, its true what they say about the drugs....Maybe not the sex, but definatly the drugs. I will admit though, I have never done any "hard" drugs (ie, coke, herion, ect). Not that it makes it any better. I used to smoke quite a bit of herb back "in the day" (can I say that, even if I am only 25?). Also, I am no stranger to the world of drinking. I am all for sitting down and drinking 3 or 4 beers at a time, or getting trashed at a party. I've never been much for drinking alone (maybe a glass of wine or a beer with dinner), and I can't recal ever being drunk alone. I don't plan on having kids, ever. But if I were to catch my kids drinking/doing drugs, I would be more disapointed in the fact that they lied to me about whatever then the fact they actually tried it. I kind of get the impression that these days, kids are much more exposed to that kind of thing, and it would be nieve of me to think they would never "try" it. Experimentation is part of life. But, that's just MHO. I could be wrong.-Antoinette There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there.

Re: Hypocrite Achilles Heel?

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 11:05 am
by Metaphorm
Kids are going to do what they want or at least what they can get away with anyway. I think it's more important to have an open relationship than one based on authority. Love them, be there for them, listen to them, and help them. Kids need to learn to think for themselves and make their own decisions. That means falling on your face over and over again, but the ones who learn these lessons are infinitely more equipped to live in this world than the ones who always do what they are told. It's a fine line, there has to be punishment, but it should reflect bad behavior...treating others poorly, dishonesty, selfishness, etc...and not misplaced curiosity. I hope my kids do smoke pot when they are ready for it...unless my partner tells me not to let them...then I will have to

Re: Hypocrite Achilles Heel?

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:57 pm
by tarav
I voted for the last option because I do not have kids and I do not want to have any kids. I could imagine what kind of a parent I'd be though. Like pc and Keith, as far as drugs and alcohol go, there is no chance of my being a hypocrite. I never did any drugs. I never drank alcohol, till I was an adult(many years into adulthood, actually). I would expect my children to do the same. I would have high expectations for my children in all areas. I was/am so close to perfection that it is so hard to think of something I may have done that I wouldn't want my child to do! LOL I AM ONLY KIDDING! Anything I did in the past, wouldn't stop me from doing what it took to prevent my kids from making the same mistakes. However, this would be balanced with open communicaton and trust, so that when mistakes are made, I could expect my child to come to me for help.

Re: Hypocrite Achilles Heel?

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:07 pm
by Jeremy1952
I don't beleive that parents "raise" children (see Harris, "The Nurture Assumption). I drink and take drugs, can't get my kid to try it with me, he doesn't beleive in it. I think he's finally started having sex with his girlfriend though. If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything. Daniel Dennett, 1984