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~Insert cheesy cliche about new chapters~

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 6:03 pm
by LynLlew
Hello, everyone!

My name is Linette Llewellyn. I found this site just today and I'm excited to join. I'm originally from Massachusetts, but moved down here to North Florida almost a year ago. I'm a little bit of a fish-out-of-water here, living on my own (with housemates) and separated from my husband, which is a bit of a long story (but that's how that goes).

I'm looking to reconnect with my love of reading and writing and start myself back on the right rediscover the things that made me who I am.

I'm a humorist and essayist (unpublished, whatever), a frustrated foodie (foodie-ism is hard on a zero-dollar budget), a hopeless nerd (but luckily nerdiness is making a-mostly-welcome resurgence) and general all-around weirdo.

Reading is my favorite escape, and I love where a good book can take me. I also enjoy films and music....but there are few things as incredible as sharing in the hopes, dreams and imagination of another creator's mind.

And chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate. And reading of course. With chocolate.

I'm also a little bit cheesy and emotional at times..heh. This makes a nice, tasty contrast to my sarcasm and occasional cynicism.

I hope to make some new friends here and have some stimulating discussions. And also to have frivolous discussions about awesomeness...if that is allowed.

Thank you for your time. See you out there :-D

Re: ~Insert cheesy cliche about new chapters~

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 8:44 pm
by Cattleman
Hello Lyn and :welcome: to Book Talk. Always glad to greet a new bibliophile. :) I also am an unpublished essayist, but hope to correct that soon. :hmm: Meanwhile, I attempt to write some fiction in addition to my essays, and have written several short book reviews in the last few years; these have been printed in the newsletter of our local library support group of which I am a member. We look forward to having you as one of us, and remember, you do not have to agree with everyone, :yes: :no: Just be polite and you will fit right in. :up:

Re: ~Insert cheesy cliche about new chapters~

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:30 pm
by Chris OConnor
Welcome to the community Linette!

Your post about Bill Nye was simply incredible. You're a very talented writer and I'm sure hoping to see more from you in the near future!

Would you care to join us in our discussion of Bill Bryson's book "A Short History of Nearly Everything?"

Re: ~Insert cheesy cliche about new chapters~

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:11 am
by LynLlew
Hi, and thank you for your kind words. I do love a good intellectual argument :)

I'd love to join the discussion. I'd need to read the material first, of course. I'll go and check it out.

Thanks again!