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I'm new here, looking for fellow author friends

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 5:53 pm
by MK94
Hey there! :)
I'm a part of a bunch of FB groups but I thought I'd also make friends on some forum pages. This is actually the first one I've joined in a long while.

To make some friends and see if we "click" here are some questions from me to you! I'm also including what I'd answer myself.

What is your....?
Favorite book and/or author:
1) My favorite author is Suzanna Collins and my favorite book used to be her book, The Hunger Games but now it's a toss up between new her newest book, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, and the book The Companion by Katie Alender. (both recent new reads for me)
2) What is one of your vices?
One of mine is boba tea.
3) What are your favorite book genres?
Romance-focused OR fantasy, dystopian, sci-fi, or historical (but they must have a romance subgenre--though I have books that are exceptions)
4) What are your favorite TV/Movie genres?
TV: dark content and sci-fi Movies: Comedy, Heart-felt, and Dystopian
5) What do you like to go by?
Red or MK

Looking forward to getting to know some of you! :thanks2:

Re: I'm new here, looking for fellow author friends

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:39 pm
by brian douglas
What is your....?
Favorite book and/or author:

1) That is a tough one... I love "Les Misérables" especially the redemption aspect, but the end always guts me. I have read "The Long Walk" by Richard Bachman/Stephen King tens of times. I am also a fan of Russian literature. I don't have a favorite author as their works are often hit or miss and I'm always looking for something different.
2) What is one of your vices?
Diet Coke. I have 4 cases of 24 next to my desk at work.
3) What are your favorite book genres?
Substance and fluff, depending upon my mood but never romance.
4) What are your favorite TV/Movie genres?
I don't watch TV (or own one). As far as movies, I like something unusual that makes me think.
5) What do you like to go by?
I have been given several nicknames; some that I do not respond to, but the most common one that I don't mind is 'B-Diddy'.

Re: I'm new here, looking for fellow author friends

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 7:55 pm
by MK94
The B-Diddy made me laugh, fun/funny nicknames are the best!