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New member introduction

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 3:00 pm
Hello. I am fairly new to novel writing, but I am not new to novel reading.
I hope to do plenty of reading and writing, courtesy of this website, in the future.

kind regards

Re: New member introduction

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 5:03 pm
by Harry Marks
Welcome, Colin. I have tried a little fiction writing myself, with middling results. Nothing sold, yet. I hope Booktalk helps you think things through and generates interesting subject matter.

Re: New member introduction

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 8:15 pm
by Cattleman
Hi Colin, :wink: and welcome to Book Talk. :welcome:

Re: New member introduction

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 8:25 am
by johnmorgan
Hi everyone, I am new here.

Re: New member introduction

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 7:02 am
by LanDroid
Have a look around and get involved...

Re: New member introduction

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 2:56 am
by k_leh
Hi Colin!

Re: New member introduction but older 😸

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 6:37 pm
by CaitlinDBurnside
Hello all, writers, readers and authors,

I'm new here but older in life. Recently widowed (2022) and also lost an adult son in 2017.

Acquired an adorable all black kitten as companion to both myself and daughter, in late 2022.

I was preparing to upload the day husband died. Out of respect for him, I've left my writing and publishing since. There was way too much to take care of that needed immediate attention.

Finally, August (2023) was the last crazy month. The remaining months, we've been able to begin our recoveries. Therefore, I'm preparing to get into my novels, trailers and all, soon.

It's still difficult, so I definitely take my time, slow and steady wins the race... So, the saying goes, and with this New Year 2024, that is our Motto!

Yours in ink, Caitlin

Re: New member introduction

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 8:57 pm
by OpanaPointer
Ooops. Well now I'm doing this. Me:

1. Born the same day, month, and year as Rush Limbaugh, which proves astrology is bunk.

2. Grade school in Indiana, a wide-spot-in-the-road town of <7,000 people. Graduated on a Thursday, sworn into the USN the next day.

3. Twenty years in the USN. I was in tourist mode, slept in 72 countries. Bought a VW microbus while stationed in Sicily and went clockwise around the east end of the Med, then down the eastern side of Africa, up the west side from Cape Town, stopping in Timbuktu, because I had to, then across the straights and back down to Sicily.

4. After I retired I went to Purdue U. for 14 years. Advisor on historical matters to the Historical Branches of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps.

5. While at Purdue I helped provide reference documents for WWII to the above Historical Branches. and and some smaller sites.

Married four times, divorced twice. Owned by three indoor cats and three outdoor cats.

Last seen wearing board shorts and wife beaters, flip flops if I'm doing something formal.

That's the short me.

Re: New member introduction

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2024 12:35 pm
by B. Camp
I'm not truly new here. I joined the forum some time ago but sort of let it slide. Cold weather and snow have kept me indoors and I got bored so I've been focusing on some of the things I've neglected.
I was born in the Appalachian mountains. I attended elementary school, secondary school and college all in the same county. After college I graduated from the University of Ky medical school. I did family practice for three years then did a residency in psychiatry.
I retired in 2020 and after a couple of years I got bored and started writing.
So far I've written ten short novels. I've focused mainly on science fiction but I've written one suspense, one adventure and one fantasy. They've been mildly successful but I don't have the talent to write "The Great American Novel". Still, I enjoy it and I guess I'll keep writing. :)

Re: New member introduction

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:44 am
by SimonRomero
Hello, I'm Simon Romero, I love reading books and discussing them. I have read many books and at the moment I am reading "The Lost Ways" by Claude Davis. :clap: :clap: :clap: