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What’s your take on citizen journalism?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 11:08 am
by Brooks127
A lot of podcasters read news articles and offer their commentary. Many argue they’re offering something better than main stream news by providing overlooked information, yet one of the complaints about main stream news is reliance on personal commentary.


Is citizen journalism a podcaster reading news and commenting on it, or is it going out into the community to report on things happening within the community?

Re: What’s your take on citizen journalism?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 6:56 pm
by Mr. P
I don't have too much experience with citizen journalism. But I think we need to realize that reporting and commentary are two totally different things. Maybe people conflate the two IMO. Commentary is fine. Reporting is what should be sought out if your goal is to be educated on facts.

On a side note, anyone follow Beau of the Fifth Column? I find his analysis of things to be well thought out and very educative.

Re: What’s your take on citizen journalism?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 8:47 am
by Brooks127
Mr. Pessimistic wrote:But I think we need to realize that reporting and commentary are two totally different things.
I agree. To me there is a difference. I’m okay with a person sitting in a chair without notes or news article talking about what they believe is the case or happening. I see that as commentary and interpretation to be taken as no more than someone’s opinion. At that point, they might as well be posting old school audio files found through RSS.

But lines get blurred when one moves from holding a beer at waist level to a professional looking home studio dedicated to the task of informing the public. At this point, I see them as doing nothing more than emulating the main stream news agencies they claim to refute and trying to convince a contributing public they deserve its money. I'm not against the donating. I understand what it means to be broke, but I simply can’t see the argument one is better than the other. Unless a person’s going out and doing actual reporting from the street, I have a hard time thinking of them as a journalist.

Re: What’s your take on citizen journalism?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 9:07 am
by Mr. P
True, I do not think of these internet folks as journalists at all (at least in general), just like I don't think of say Rachel Maddow or Tucker Carlson as true journalists. They are commentary. They are probably more researched than some person in a home studio, but maybe not. I will say Rachel seems more researched and rational than Tucker...but my position remains that I don't go to these two for strict facts.

I also agree that there is value in either off the cuff or researched commentary. It's similar to having a conversation, although one sided unless there is an interactive component to engage with the creator. It is always good to be open to different takes on issues. Just sad to see so many folks taking opinion and baseless statements and making those the basis of their belief and worldview (even if the creator has a nice home studio and green screen chicanery.) Do some research dammit!

Re: What’s your take on citizen journalism?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 12:00 pm
by Brooks127
Mr. Pessimistic wrote:Do some research dammit!

I totally agree, and I doubt the big name celebrity commentators are as researched as they claim just as I doubt they write their own books. I don't watch as much 24/7 news as I used to as I enjoy reading the news more, but nevertheless, I'm supposed to believe somebody with an eight hour work day in front of cameras and long list of scheduled speaking events finds time to write two books a year!? :lol:

With that noted, I do miss Current TV. Al Gore was a founder of that channel. It's how I learned about Occupy Wall Street, and I think for a lot people our first look at alternative news.

If podcasters serve any purpose for me aside from entertainment, it's to inform me about pending legislation not talked about in main stream news. I learn about something and then check it out for myself.

Re: What’s your take on citizen journalism?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 2:52 pm
by Mr. P
Well I do suggest giving Beau a view or three. I just find him very thoughtful and he presents rationally. Definitely leans left, but that's better than the alternative IMO.

Re: What’s your take on citizen journalism?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 8:11 pm
by Brooks127
I watched some of his videos. It seems like he tries to answer the bigger questions outside the box. I have a few friends who debate like he does. They're the kind of people who end up staying after everyone's left. Many a night I've set up talking with them. Good conversations.

Re: What’s your take on citizen journalism?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 9:19 pm
by LanDroid
I think commentators who have expertise in the subject matter improve the discussion. Rachael Maddow for example has a doctorate in political science from Oxford University. Ari Berman is a lawyer. Compare that with Sean Hannity who dropped out of two colleges.

A podcast that might be of interest is Gaslit Nation. This is led by two experts in autocracy, both have advanced degrees, observed dictatorial machinations in Ukraine and Russia, and apply that experience to US politics.
Mr. Pessimistic wrote:...anyone follow Beau of the Fifth Column
...Well I do suggest giving Beau a view or three. I just find him very thoughtful and he presents rationally. Definitely leans left, but that's better than the alternative IMO.
I don't know what you are on about. Are you too lazy to post a link or am I too lazy to Google it? :P

Re: What’s your take on citizen journalism?

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:37 am
by Brooks127
LanDroid wrote:A podcast that might be of interest is Gaslit Nation.
Thanks, I'll check it out.

Re: What’s your take on citizen journalism?

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 9:51 pm
by Mr. P
LanDroid wrote: I don't know what you are on about. Are you too lazy to post a link or am I too lazy to Google it? :P
It was definitely the former... And I was at work.