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Who was the worst outlaw in the Old West?

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 5:09 pm
by LisaRolfe
One of the most infamous outlaws in the Old West was William Preston Langley, known as "Bloody Bill Langley." As detailed in Edmond P. DeRousse's Western History novel "Cheyenne Circumstance," Bloody Bill was notorious for his criminal activities and was considered one of the deadliest gunslingers of his time. His life was marked by a relentless escape from law enforcement and a series of violent encounters that cemented his fearsome reputation. Despite a sincere effort to leave his criminal past behind and build a new life with his love, Lizzy Smith, fate dealt him a tragic hand. Bill's inability to escape his outlaw lifestyle ultimately led to his imprisonment and execution, highlighting the inescapable consequences of a life lived on the edge of the law.