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Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:33 pm
by Mr. P
Why do so many of you guys lurk, then join and then NEVER make a post? I mean, I just wonder thats all. At least answer THIS post. Come on...please? Just one answer to one question at least: WHY did you decide to register at Booktalk?

We have over 660 registered users and about 8 regular posters here. It just boggles my mind that there is not a higher percentage of posters. I would even think that there would be a FEW posts from newbies...

Just my thoughts. Welcome, even if we never hear from you!

Mr. P.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:38 pm
by irishrose
Maybe they're scared of you, Mr.P. Anyway, as the newest registered member of booktalk :lol:, I think I'm holding my own.

In all seriousness though, I lurked for a couple months before I ever posted anything. It was actually an asinine post from Asana (remember him) that made me finally jump in. I think if we work at diversifying our discussion topics and keeping things relatively friendly, if people are actually lurking, they'll start participating.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:50 pm
by Niall001
Well, I'm going to make a policy of making as many asinine comments as possible until we Asana returns, baiting as many new members as possible into making their first post. I've been practicing for some time.

Aren't these forums readable if you aren't registered anyway? So why would anyone register if not to post?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 4:47 pm
by indie
Niall001 wrote:Aren't these forums readable if you aren't registered anyway? So why would anyone register if not to post?
Yes, they are readable to guests. However, perhaps more of an issue than when you guys were on ezboard, spambot registrations happen a Lot with independent forums like this. It's something I am actively trying to put an end to with code modifications, yet from the looks of things all five of the last five registrations may very well be bots.

Don't think this is a lot. I'm used to fixing the registration pages on forums that were experiencing hundreds of bot signups every day. There's still a couple counter-measures I'll be adding soon.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 5:05 pm
by Mr. P
irishrose wrote:Maybe they're scared of you, Mr.P. Anyway, as the newest registered member of booktalk :lol:, I think I'm holding my own.

In all seriousness though, I lurked for a couple months before I ever posted anything. It was actually an asinine post from Asana (remember him) that made me finally jump in. I think if we work at diversifying our discussion topics and keeping things relatively friendly, if people are actually lurking, they'll start participating.
What is that supposed to mean? You trying to start something!!!!!! GRR, lets go Missy!!!

Mr. P.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:27 am
by kataveryk
I can answer this for you Mr P.

Hi there. This isn't actually my first post. You all know me originally as Tomiichi. The name change is just because I couldn't decide on an online alias, but I think I have settled with this one, Kataveryk. It's just a different spelling of "cadaveric" as in cadaveric material or specimens. I work with cadavers and am going to school to be an forensic pathologist, basically to do autopsies.

Going into answering your question, "why do people register and not post". I can tell you that I love booktalk. You don't know this, but I am on here every week. I try to read all the discussions, or at least most of them. My lack of posting is due to several issues.

1. I go to school and am holding down 4 jobs. No that's not a joke. I work for 2 companies with 2 jobs each. The jobs are not related to each other at each company so I literally have 4 jobs. 3 of my jobs actually have to do with cadavers, which I love. The 4th provides me with my benefits, which I don't want to do without. At the end of the day and/or week I don't have much time left and if I do I have to use it to study. So with my serious lack of time, I just can't spend more time on here.

2. Since I only get on once or twice a week, that leaves me with quite a bit new stuff to read through. So I try to pick and choose and I read through everything that seems interesting. Than before I know it time has slipped away and I have to log off.

3. With the time I have I like to spend it reading through the posts. You guys have already taught me so much just from spending time here. So I prefer to read everything instead of taking the time to post which actually takes a lot of time (like this post) trying to gather my thoughts. It's easier to just get on here and read. Does that make me a little lazy, yeah maybe.

4. I also don't get much of a chance to read other than for school, surf the web, or watch the news. So honestly I just don't know what's going on in this world enough in my opinion to post about it. I actually learn from you guys and these forums what's going on.

All in all, I love booktalk. I have been here for over a year now and I still get on at least every week. I wasn't always this busy, but this is where I find myself at this point in time.

I can't speak for the brand new people that have registered and REALLY never posted, but this is my answer. I will continue to be here in the background every week watching over you. :shock:

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:58 am
by Mr. P
kataveryk wrote:I can answer this for you Mr P.

Hi there. This isn't actually my first post. You all know me originally as Tomiichi. The name change is just because I couldn't decide on an online alias, but I think I have settled with this one, Kataveryk. It's just a different spelling of "cadaveric" as in cadaveric material or specimens. I work with cadavers and am going to school to be an forensic pathologist, basically to do autopsies. .......
That was a great answer! And no, I would not call you lazy! Creepy maybe (cadavers...."which I love"). :P

Mr. P.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:42 pm
by kataveryk
creepy and morbid :oops:

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 8:18 am
by Mr. P
kataveryk wrote:creepy and morbid :oops:
Actually...that kinda turns... dont like, dress them up and have tea parties do ya?

Mr. P.

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 2:04 pm
by kataveryk
Nope slumber parties! :lol: