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Mummers Parade tomorrow

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 2:42 pm
by irishrosem
The Mummers strut right down Broad Street, just a block from my home tomorrow. I'm looking forward to participating in the festivities. We all know what Mummers are, right?

Re: Mummers Parade tomorrow

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:26 pm
by George Ricker
irishrosem wrote:The Mummers strut right down Broad Street, just a block from my home tomorrow. I'm looking forward to participating in the festivities. We all know what Mummers are, right?
For those who don't, here's a web site that may be helpful:

Enjoy the parade, Rose. :up:


Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 12:21 pm
by irishrosem
Now George, tsk tsk, I wanted everyone to do their own research. I was shocked the first time I learned that most the country didn't care about the Mummers. It's such a big deal in Philadelphia, I always assumed it was a nationally televised parade.

This website has a good description of the Mummers' general history, and a FAQ page.

Here are two clips that give you a feel for the Mummers, if you've never been. But seeing the hokiness on screen doesn't compare to the fun of actually being there.

George wrote:Enjoy the parade, Rose.
Thanks, George. There was a rain delay this morning, but the music down the street started up about an hour ago. I'm off to get liquored up before the string bands get started.

Happy New Year, all!

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:35 am
by MadArchitect
Wow, that left me totally... confused. When you said Mummers, I assumed Philly had continued some form of the medieval Mummers tradition, complete with hobby horse. Totally unrelated, it seems.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:48 pm
by irishrosem
Well actually Mad, Philadelphia's Mummers could have loose roots to medieval mummery. Their origins are a combination of 17th century Irish immigrants