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New person number 718ish

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 4:18 pm
by Theomanic
Hello... I just stumbled across this site looking for a place to discuss books. I'm constantly in the situation where I finish a novel, and everyone around me says "I may read it someday," so I can't spoil it for them, but somehow they never get around to reading it. So I never get to discuss anything!

As to me, I'm from Toronto, Ontario. I've been a big reader since I first memorized "Curious George Rides a Bike" when I was three. I used to read by street light so my mom wouldn't catch me with the light on late at night... now, obviously, I need corrective lenses. I worked in a couple bookstores, where I happily foisted my favourite books off on the unsuspecting public, and since I've left retail I find I really miss being able to do that.

I read primarily fiction. The authors I'd probably label as my favourites would be: Haruki Murakami, Neil Gaiman, William Gibson, Chuck Palahniuk, David Eggers... I recently read "Night Train" by Martin Amis and enjoyed it so thoroughly I promptly went out about bought another of his books, "Yellow Dog". If he continues on like this, I expect to add him to my favourites very soon. I guess I would say I like both magic realism and gritty distopian type novels.

I'm sad to hear "Atlas Shrugged" and "Wicked" are being removed from the book list. Both of those books are novels I've been meaning to read for some time! I've read and enjoyed a few books I see listed as already reviewed, a couple being "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime" and "Ender's Game".

Honestly I'm not certain if this is the place for me... A lot of the previously reviewed books look to be non-fiction, and it doesn't seem many people here are too interested in fiction, considering the books that just got axed. I am an atheist and a humanist, but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to read non-fiction very often. I guess we'll see!

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 4:42 pm
by Ophelia
Hello Theomanic, and welcome!

Thanks for sharing your reading experience with us, and please don't give up on Booktalk yet!

I'm one of those on this forum who are trying to boost up the fiction department, and we need people like you to do this.
When I became a member of Booktalk, I had been looking for a mostly fiction forum, but I was attracted by the organization of this forum and the personalities of the participants, so I chose this forum, and have no regrets.

I understand you are disappointed about Wicked . Two or three of us fiction readers actually are talking -- tentatively-- about discussing it as a sidebar since there were not enough people interested to keep it as our official selection. Perhaps you could join us?

Now, in return for my efforts at persuading you, will you do something for me? I suppose you have looked at many reading forums: have you found one that offered good quality discussion of fiction? If so, which one? I'm really curious: what I saw was either no postings, or as on Oprah, variations of "This is the best book I've ever read". But then there were so many sites, I just gave up after a while.

I hope we'll hear from you again.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:43 pm
by Mr. P
Yes. Stick around Theomaniac! Booktalk ENCOURAGES side discussions of any book more than one member wants to read. Even if the whole community does not read, it is interesting to see what others a discussing. Mad Architect and I also came up with the concept of doing individual 'Reading Journals" where even one person can read and start their own thread of thoughts...and chances are someone will join in to add to the discussion, even if they are not reading the book.

Dont leave because you do not see what you like...just add what you like to the mix!

Mr. P.

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:22 am
by irishrosem
My we have an influx of Canucks around these parts lately. I guess with the cold setting in up there, and some teams not playing so well...ahem, Maple are all looking for something to occupy your time. I'm just teasing.

Theo, this place is certainly for you. Some fictional titles got axed, but the fiction forum is alive and well. In fact, we're discussing what title to replace Wicked over in this thread, to which your input would be welcomed. Particularly if you intend to participate in the fiction book discussions. As Ophelia notes, we need people who are interested in reading and discussing fiction to help bolster the newly reintroduced forum.

Now I have a quick question for you. I've only read London Fields by Amis and it completely turned me off to him. Is that title, if you've read it, indicative of Amis's work? I have a friend whose taste I usually value who keeps insisting that I should try something else, namely Time's Arrow, but I can't seem to muscle up the desire.
Ophelia wrote:I suppose you have looked at many reading forums: have you found one that offered good quality discussion of fiction? If so, which one? I'm really curious: what I saw was either no postings, or as on Oprah, variations of "This is the best book I've ever read". But then there were so many sites, I just gave up after a while.
Ophelia, I know this question wasn't directed at me, but I spent a lot of time looking for book forums before finally settling on booktalk. And that even though I, like you and Theo here, was looking for a fiction forum. In my searches I found exactly what you note above, merely chit chat forums where people tell me that such-and-such is the greatest book, without any effort at actually eliciting or participating in genuine discussion about the book. Chris has set up a neat little corner of the internet world here where complex, involved, intriguing discussion is welcomed and encouraged. It's a place that demands critical support and validation for opinions, and doesn't much welcome the idle chit chat that seems to litter most other forums. (Of course we have our places for chit chat, just not in certain forums.) So perhaps "we few, we happy few, we band of brothers" can bring that vigor of hearty discussion, that vitality of heated but respectful debate, that earnest exploration of ideas and opinions to the literary discussions here, in the hope of helping to build that for which we've all been searching.

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 12:05 pm
by Loricat
Definitely stick around -- I like your choice in reading material. I too enjoy the gritty distopian books & magical realism.

Have you read Gibson's Pattern Recognition? I'm longing to get into a good discussion on that one... :D

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:55 pm
by Constance963
Hi Theomanic,

I just started a thread about Wicked so please feel free to post your ideas, thoughts, theories, and questions about the novel. Hopefully there is some interest so we can have a little sidebar discussion. Welcome!

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:41 pm
by Theomanic
Ophelia: I didn't find any good fiction forums worth recommending. I used to be on one a long time ago, but it seems to have disappeared, and it wasn't that active anyhow.

Mr P: I like the idea of reading journals. I'm going to go through those threads later when I have more time.

Irish: Careful with the Maple Leafs jokes! Things could get ugly.... I haven't read Wicked yet, I was just interested in it. I'll see what I can do about picking it up soon. I haven't read anything else by Amis beyond the novel I first mentioned, and a few short stories, so I can't say. Maybe I'll try and read London Fields sometime soon and let you know? He seems like a very direct writer. Not a lot of flowery description and the like.

Loricat: I've read Pattern Recognition and would definitely be up for discussing it, if you start a thread. Gibson's books I usually pick up as soon as they hit paperback. I'm not a big hardcover reader.

Constance: I will do that as soon as I read the novel. Thanks!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 1:02 am
by Ophelia
Thanks for your answer Theomanic.
It looks like you're here to stay, which is great. 8)

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 1:55 am
by irishrosem
Theomaniac wrote:Careful with the Maple Leafs jokes! Things could get ugly....
Heh, I couldn't help myself. I've never met a Canadian who wasn't at least a bit interested in their hockey team, so I figured a dig on yours would compel you to reply at least once. Actually, I'm not a dedicated hockey fan. I just hang around people who are.
I haven't read Wicked yet, I was just interested in it
I haven't either, and will admit, now that it's not an official booktalk choice, that I'm not really interested in it. In truth, I'm not a big fan of parodies in general, and a parody of Baum's Wizard of Oz doesn't appeal to me at all. I would actually read it just to have something to say to the thousands of people that have. But I read through the first fifty pages and found them interminable, and the book is just too long for me to force myself on, just so I can converse with others about it.

Please don't read London Fields on my account. It's rather long, and though I don't remember much of it from when I read it, I can't really recommend it.

I'm glad to see you're interested in reading Heart of Darkness with us. I picked it up for the first time in twelve years this weekend and was amazed how little of the first half of the story that I remembered. I'm looking forward to discussing it as a group. See you around on the forum.

BTW, your subject line on this thread puts me in mind of Twain's title for The Mysterious Stranger No. 44.

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:42 am
by Chris OConnor
Welcome to BookTalk! :)

Don't give up on either of the two books. Wicked would make for an excellent suggestion for our April & May 2008 fiction book discussion. It just didn't stir up enough interest for our next discussion, but it is now sounding like lots of members would really enjoy reading it.

In fact...I am going to go add it to the fiction suggestion thread myself! :hmm: