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Which Christian Denomination are you?

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 4:31 pm
by Niall001
Just for fun, try this test. I'm a little puzzled by the logic behind it but... ... stiandenom

My results:

#1 Eastern Orthodox Church

#2 Evangelical Lutheran Church

#3 Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

#4 Episcopal/Anglican Church

#5 Roman Catholic Church

#6 Methodist/Wesleyan Church

#7 Church of Christ

#8 Mennonite Brethren

#9 Free Will Baptist

#10 International Church of Christ

#11 Orthodox Quakerism

#12 Seventh-Day Adventist

#13 Assemblies of God

#14 Southern Baptist

#15 Mormonism

#16 Presbyterian Church USA

#17 Presbyterian Church in America/Orthodox Presbyterian Church

#18 Reformed Churches

#19 United Pentecostal Church

#20 Reformed Baptist

#21 Liberal Quakerism

#22 Jehovah's Witness

#23 Unitarian Universalism

#24 Unity Church

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 4:52 pm
by bradams
My top ten:

#1 Unitarian Universalism
#2 Unity Church
#3 Liberal Quakerism
#4 Jehovah's Witness
#5 Episcopal/Anglican Church
#6 Methodist/Wesleyan Church
#7 Seventh-Day Adventist
#8 Mormonism
#9 Free Will Baptist
#10 Presbyterian Church USA

And the two faith traditions I was raised in came in at:
#16 Assemblies of God (raised in an extremely similar church)
#22 Roman Catholic Church

I'm not really surprised at the top three, but very surprised at number 4!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:09 am
by Theomanic
#1 Unity Church
#2 Liberal Quakerism
#3 Unitarian Universalism
#4 Seventh-Day Adventist
#5 Orthodox Quakerism
#6 Jehovah's Witness
#7 Episcopal/Anglican Church
#8 Mennonite Brethren
#9 Methodist/Wesleyan Church
#10 Assemblies of God

I *think* my mother was raised Lutheran (not at all sure) and that was at #20 on my list. I am curious about the logic behind this quiz also.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:05 pm
by bradams
Looks like we have similar ideas about God and religion Theomanic, given our top three are very similar. Who would have thought that on this forum!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:10 pm
by Theomanic
Well we're pretty different from Niall... so who can say!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:25 pm
by Niall001
I'm one of a kind Theo. Everybody is pretty different from me! ;-) :cry:

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:13 pm
by Constance963
Mine are

#1 Unity Church
#2 Unitarian Universalism
#3 Liberal Quakerism
#4 Seventh Day Adventist
#5 Episcopal/Anglican Church
#6 Methodist/Wesleyan Church
#7 Jehovah's Witness
#8 Evangelical Lutheran Church
#9 Assemblies of God
#10 Free Will Baptist

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:22 am
by Audrey
1.Episcopal/Anglican Church
2.Methodist/Wesleyan Church
3.Presbyterian Church USA
4.Southern Baptist
5.Church of Christ
6.Evangelical Lutheran Church
7.Free Will Baptist
8.Mennonite Brethern
9.Orthodox Quakerism
10.Presbyterian Church in America/Orthodox Presbyterian Church
11.Reformed Baptist
12.Reformed Churches
13.Seventh-Day Adventist
14.Assemblies of God
15.Eastern Orthodox
16.International Church of Christ
17.Liberal Quakerism
18.Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
19.Roman Catholic Church
20.Unitarian Universalism
22.Jehovah's Witness
23.United Pentecostal Church
24. Unity Church

I found this extremely interesting. I have been rebuilding my faith lately, so this quiz revealed a great deal of myself to me.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:35 pm
by Q
"God Knows, I don't"

I don't know what you'd call that either. 'Theognostic' wouldn't be right, as it would imply that i know. Liberal Quakers maybe, but I'd have to know more about their creed.

:smile: Q

Mine 1-24

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:47 am
by BabyBlues
My # 1 is: Methodist/Wesleyan Church
My #2 is: Presbyterian Church USA
My #3 is: Assemblies of God
My #4 is: Episcopal/Anglican Church
My #5 is: Evangelical Lutheran Church
My #6 is: Presbyterian Church in America/Orthodox Presbyterian Church
My #7 is: Reformed Churches
My #8 is: Southern Baptist
My #9 is: Free Will Baptist
My #10 is: Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
My #11 is: Reformed Baptist
My #12 is: Seventh-Day Adventist
My #13 is: Church of Christ
My #14 is: Mennonite Brethren
My #15 is: International Church of Christ
My #16 is: Orthodox Quakerism
My #17 is: United Pentecostal Church
My #18 is: Eastern Orthodox Church
My #19 is: Roman Catholic Church
My #20 is: Jehovah's Witness
My #21 is: Mormonism
My #22 is: Unitarian Universalism
My #23 is: Liberal Quakerism
My #24 is: Unity Church