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Purely preposterous poppycock

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:54 pm
by irishrosem
Mr.P. wrote:...because it is obvious you will never see what it was that you did that pissed me off.
"Oh no. That's not true." I just won't concede that the pissiness is warranted, that's where our difference lies.
I dunno, sometimes a 'take your sarcasm and shove it' says so much.
Right, it says that you're pissed off, and that you want to demonstrate that frustration and/or anger. To lash out in an aggressively immature way. But it isn't the attempt at communication that you seemingly portrayed on the forum.
I figured you would see that since we had other, less angst filled PMs prior to that, when I was commending you for your contributions.
That is precisely why I said people know exactly where they stand with you, Mr.P. When I'm not calling you out for being overly sensitive to a clarification that was necessary because of your misuse of plural pronouns, you and I are fine

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 4:06 pm
by Mr. P
Rose. Just let it go. Now this is bordering on harrassment.

Mr. P.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:15 pm
by irishrosem
Mr. P. wrote:Now this is bordering on harrassment.
Harassment!? Are you kidding me? You know you have, and have had, the choice not to respond through all of this, yes Mr. P.? I haven't said word one to you that wasn't absolutely civil. You couldn't reciprocate even that far, and yet turn around and accuse me of "bordering on harassment."

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:25 pm
by Mr. P
irishrosem wrote:
Mr. P. wrote:Now this is bordering on harrassment.
Harassment!? Are you kidding me? You know you have, and have had, the choice not to respond through all of this, yes Mr. P.? I haven't said word one to you that wasn't absolutely civil. You couldn't reciprocate even that far, and yet turn around and accuse me of "bordering on harassment."

Mr. P.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:57 am
by Theomanic
Uh... *cough* Was this supposed to be a private message? Maybe it should be? Sorry to intrude but... I kind of feel like I'm listening to my parents argue through the floor. Maybe not a good impression for new people? Just thought I'd mention...

I'm leaving now. *puts on earmuffs*

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:38 am
by Mr. P
Theomanic wrote:Uh... *cough* Was this supposed to be a private message? Maybe it should be? Sorry to intrude but... I kind of feel like I'm listening to my parents argue through the floor. Maybe not a good impression for new people? Just thought I'd mention...

I'm leaving now. *puts on earmuffs*
For the record Theo. I agree. I am disappointed Rose decided to start a whole new post on this. It is obvious who wanted this to continue. But it is done now. I think...

Mr. P.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:50 am
by irishrosem
For the record, this thread was an attempt to carry-over from another public thread. I had asked that Mr. P. and I take this spat to a thread devoted specifically to this bickering so others wouldn't be distracted by it, hence the title of the thread. I didn't want to further divert the Huckabee discussion, which had been revived at the time.

Theo, I don't choose to speak with Mr. P. on PM because he uses profanity there to which I won't subject myself.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:02 pm
by Mr. P
irishrosem wrote:For the record, this thread was an attempt to carry-over from another public thread. I had asked that Mr. P. and I take this spat to a thread devoted specifically to this bickering so others wouldn't be distracted by it, hence the title of the thread. I didn't want to further divert the Huckabee discussion, which had been revived at the time.

Theo, I don't choose to speak with Mr. P. on PM because he uses profanity there to which I won't subject myself.
Yeah. I was pissed when I PM'd you. Forgive me for being human...but I PM'd you after that ridiculously sarcastic thread that was totally aimed at making me look like a fool. I talk very plainly when I am pissed. It was also one on one, directed at you not for show but to convey how pissed I was, considering we had talked on a more friendly level at other times.

And I thought you and Mad were all about ending things. I was totally ready to accept your final post in the other thread and then what...Mad has to chime in with a last slap after HE suggested we just end it.

You two are being the babies here. I do not back down when I feel I have to defend myself, so if you two want to continue to bait me, I dont know what to say anymore. YOU started this thread Rose...there was no reason for it in my opinion. That is why I did not go into it here but rather tried to downplay it and asked you to just stop.

Mr. P.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 2:44 am
by Chris OConnor
I see these types of discussions so much on forums. Each person analyzes the other persons every word. Sometimes they analyze them by actually defining the parts of speech and how the grammar could or should have been used more effectively. In the end nothing positive comes out of it and feelings are hurt and damage is done to what previously was a friendship.

I suggest the whole topic be dropped right away. Neither party needs to come back and say, "But I have been trying to drop it..." Plenty of people have now read the discussion and are well aware of what has transpired. But in the end carrying on any further is just robbing both of you of precious minutes of your lives. And time matters. Life is short. I've engaged in plenty of these back-and-forth go nowhere arguments and they almost always end on a bad note. I've learned (or have tried to learn) to just walk away or ignore the bait dangling out in front of me. I am suggesting you both do the same thing.

But if you want to continue you are welcome to do so. This is my opinion and not an effort to "lay down the law."

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 3:23 am
by irishrosem
Chris, I think it has been dropped on both parts. But, if this were still heated I think you did a nice job of commenting to diffuse the situation, without judging the argument itself. I'm not one that thinks bickering like this needs to be avoided at all cost, particularly if those participating don't do so regularly, without contributing elsewhere. And I submit, without hesitation, that Mr.P. and I both contribute many non-bickering posts to this site. I'm also really, really not one to take such spats personally as they are absolutely inconsequential, so they don't tend to affect whatever "internet relationship" I've built with my co-bickerer.

But if I'm a third party, I'm also one that doesn't enjoy watching them going on either. In most cases, it's easy enough to ignore it when it happens here because the thread has usually deteriorated to the point that only those spatting are following it. In this case, the original subject of the thread had been re-sparked and the spat, I think, interfered. Now, it wasn't a terribly important thread, in my opinion, to begin with. But, I'm wondering, if it's not your policy to silence such bickering at its outset as you note here, maybe you really may want to consider a "Cat Fight" or a "Spats" forum. That way such arguments can easily be transferred there, and those who just don't want to see it can ignore the forum altogether. Just a suggestion.