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Hey! Welcome me with open arms...?

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 9:09 am
by Audrey
Hey, I'm Audrey.

My home town is Roanoke, VA. But I now attend Campbell University in North Carolina.

I'm 19.

And this is my first forum. I thought I might as well start out with a book forum, since I enjoy reading. Plus I love being challenged with other people's intellects (too much fun).

My book interests are scattered, but why stay in a single genre when you can enjoy everything?

Does anyone have any idea where I should start? :]

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:26 am
by Ophelia
Hello Audrey, and welcome...with open arms! :)

It's lovely to hear from a College student. Which subjects do you study?

To answer your question, "Forum FAQ" and Rules (at the top of the page) are always useful to start with.

Then, books: We discuss one non-fiction and one fiction book every two months, and we have forums for both categories.
I myself read more fiction: Have you read Heart of Darkness? Would you like to discuss it with us?

The other forums are things newcomers can perhaps plunge into more easily at first: I like to suggest the Humour forum at the bottom of the page, in particular "Literature Abuse: America's hidden affliction".

I hope to hear from you again in our forums.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:34 am
by Audrey
I starting out studying Pre-Pharmacy. But wow was that a mistake. I am now studying French and perhaps a minor (or major depending on time) in Business.

Thanks for all of your help on what to start with :]

French speaking new BT member!

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:11 pm
by Ophelia
Someone studying French, how delightful!

From what you write I understand that this is your first year studying French in College (?).
What courses do you take? I mean, how much is language, how much is literature, etc...

I am French (living in Tours, France) and as write this I am thinking that I also want to post about my favourite books in French-- come to think of it, it is a short list, the books are contemporary novels, not classics, and they all take place in different exotic parts of the world ( typical for me), but the language is fabulous.

I also plan to start a journal on BT and write about France, not to compete with Wikipedia, but to write about issues that I'm trying to come to terms with in French society.

Incredibly Interested

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:25 pm
by Audrey
My dream is to live in France, eventually, even if just for a while. And i'm pretty jealous of you.

This is my first year of french in college. I studied for 5 years in high school, so I came in knowing enough to skip the introduction levels.

Right now I am in a conversational and composition class as well as a literature class (learning Moliere, Montesquieu, Diderot, etc.).

I absolutely adore the language and learning it just excites me.

I would enjoy it if you set out a list of french books to read, I cannot get enough of the language and I would enjoy more contemporary stuff (it's because i'm being a little bombarded with the literature right now). I would be more than willing to discuss the content of these books, etc.

If you start the journal, know that you will have at least one consistent reader :]

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:43 pm
by jales4
Hi Audrey,

Welcome to BookTalk!

What career do you hope to enter once you've finished your schooling?

It is cool that Ophelia has someone to read french books with!!


Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 9:11 pm
by Audrey
Thanks for the welcoming.

I was thinking either education or something along the lines of international business. Maybe translator? Goodness, I have no idea.

I'm super excited about the french books with Ophelia too :]

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:00 am
by Loricat
I'd join in on some reading of livres en francais...

Welcome, Audrey! Just jump right in, the water's fine!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:26 pm
by evendeathmaydie
Hi, Audrey!

I'm new here, too, and I'm also 19. My name is Abigail. I studied German in High School and liked it so much that I thought I'd like to really get into foreign languages, maybe as a career. I only know a very little French, just from movies and books, but I do own a few books written entirely in French and sometimes just read them without any clue what I'm reading :lol: silly, huh?

Welcome to the wonderful world of Book talk and I hope you have fun!

What kind of books do you like? What's your favorite genre?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:35 pm
by Audrey

it's so nice to see another young person on here. It's just a shame there aren't more. How many years did you study German? Foreign languages are just so much fun :] French is such a wonderful language and sometimes its fun to read when you have no clue what is going on.

I'm enjoying my time on here so far.

I enjoy just about any type of book. Classics, Drama, Mystery, Romance, French and some non-fiction.

Right now I've decided to read some Dan Brown, just to get a feel of his writing and a non-fiction by Rob Bell.

What about you? You have any favorite types of books?