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Greg Artisen

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 7:37 pm
by Greg Artisen
What to say, What to say. I've been recruited into this cult by Naddia. I'm interested in joining the discussion but I feel as if I'm behind the 8 ball on this book. I guess I'll lurk about and join in next book.Really though, I've been recruited as the token Satanist for some discussion in the academy. I'll bet they want to know how we've kept all that SRA under wraps for all these years.Greg

Re: Greg Artisen

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 11:47 am
by Chris OConnor
Greg:Welcome to BookTalk! I greeted you in The Academy where you made your first several posts, but this is the correct place for introductions. I'm looking forward to getting to know you and about your philosophy. What does SRA mean?Chris

Re: Greg Artisen

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 12:38 pm
by NaddiaAoC
Greg,Somehow I missed this introduction. Welcome to BookTalk! Feel free to offer any suggestions that you might have for upcoming books in the Book Suggestion forum. We'll be starting the process of voting on our next book soon and it would be nice to have your participation if you plan to read with us next month. We also have weekly scheduled chats in the chatroom at the top of the of the forum. We'll be there this evening, Thursday, at 9pm EST. It would be fun to chat with you. I hope you can make it!Cheryl

Re: Greg Artisen

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 1:59 pm
by Greg Artisen
SRA is the often heard of, never found, Satanic Ritual Abuse. Ever read Michelle Remembers? It's all B.S. and a very poor choice on my part in making a joke...Greg