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Posted: Wed May 21, 2003 1:41 am
by curttheprophet
Hi,I found this board through the Infidel Guy's site. I actually just ordered several non-fiction books, and one of them happens to be Dawkins' Unweaving the Rainbow, so that worked out well.I'm an English student and unpublished writer, and I'm currently living in a small town in the Prairies of Saskatchewan, working at a aspenite mill as a summer job, so I have lots of time to devote to reading books.I'm also writing a book about new religious movements with a friend of mine (we've divided up the research), so if anybody knows any good texts in that vein, let me know. Other than that, I just listen to on-line radio (Atheist Network, NPR, etc.), read essays at the Secular Web and articles at Google News, and give too much of each pay cheque to

Re: curttheprophet

Posted: Wed May 21, 2003 3:04 pm
by Timothy Schoonover
Welcome Curt! I can already tell. You will fit in just fine. Feel free to speak your mind! Errata: Curse my typo's! Edited by: Timothy Schoonover at: 5/21/03 3:05:17 pm

Re: curttheprophet

Posted: Wed May 21, 2003 3:54 pm
by Jeremy1952
Don't we all have a love/hate relationship with Amazon nowadays? Welcome! And don't forget... we have a place to share some of your original work, if you like.

Re: curttheprophet

Posted: Wed May 21, 2003 10:21 pm
by ZachSylvanus
Howdy!Sounds like you'll fit in beautifully here!

Re: curttheprophet

Posted: Thu May 22, 2003 6:20 am
by NaddiaAoC
Curt,Welcome to BookTalk! I'm glad you found us! Nad

Re: curttheprophet

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 1:51 am
by Chris OConnor
CurtWelcome to BookTalk! I don't know any texts that would help you with your research, but the online resource I most frequently use for stats on the various world religions is Adherents.comI'm glad that banner on Infidel Guys site caught your eye. BookTalk will be mentioned on-air every Friday night on his shows starting May 30th and ending July 4th. Do you listen to them on Fridays? I've never really listened live...only downloaded the shows later.I hope to see you in some of our Thursday night chats and I look forward to getting to know you better on the boards. Chris

Re: curttheprophet

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 8:31 pm
by curttheprophet
Hi everyone,I'm just waiting for the book so that I can get started participating. I'm really looking forward to reading it... the mail's too friggin slow, I tell you!?!Anyway, Chris, I listen to Infidel Guy's shows live whenever I can, but I am also a subscriber, so it's not a big deal if I miss his broadcasts. (They're more interesting live because of the chatroom, but that makes it hard to listen to the show--hahaha.) I think that advertising there is a great idea because most of the people on his boards are very well-read and would probably be interested in a site like yours. I'll check out; thanks for the link. Somebody already unconsciously helped me by posting two links to stories in the Atlantic Monthly. Both gave me several leads to pursue. So, whoever that was, thanks very much.Well, maybe I'll go check for Dawkins' book. Hopefully they have the preface or the first chapter online.Curt.

Re: curttheprophet

Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 11:04 pm
by curttheprophet
Well, I checked, but they only have part of the first chapter online, so that's not much help. I guess I'll have to continue to wait patiently; the book should be here tomorrow or the next day anyway, so it's not that bad.I signed up for the American Family Association's action alerts, because those people really scare me. They're demented and sad... and they depress me. I'm hoping I can counteract them by supporting the businesses that they're harassing, or at least giving those businesses some moral support through email.My bosses just reduced my hours at the mill, so it looks like I'm not going to make as much money as I thought I was. Seems I'm stuck in small town Saskatchewan for the summer. Oh well, I hope I'm not working during that Dawkins chat... I may just have to call in sick jk... maybe.Well, I'll post more later. Hopefully I get that book tomorrow, because I really want to start discussing it with everyone else in the forum.Curt.

Re: curttheprophet

Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 11:58 pm
by curttheprophet
Wow, I've already started receiving pornographic spam, and the only people who have my email address are the AFA. Weird...Curt.

Re: curttheprophet

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 12:02 pm
by curttheprophet
I can't believe this... I forgot to change my shipping address when I ordered those books, and now I have to wait for my sister to grab them from my house and mail them to me... What else can go wrong! Is there some conspiracy to keep me from enjoying Dawkins' book?