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book titles!

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:33 am
by daboens
Hi everyone,

I'm in need of books that basically deal with the rise and fall of 'something'. Could be anything, really, as long as it tells some kind of story that has to do with something being created that goes completly wrong in the end. Or ie. the rise and fall of a new imperium. Or something that deals with '15 minutes of fame'. I need 60 of these, the titles of the book are enough...

Thanks in advance!


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:25 pm
by President Camacho
I'm just curious why you need them? :roll:

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:48 am
by Theomanic
Does it matter if it's fiction or non-fiction? Or if it's over one book or a series of many?

The first thing that jumped to my mind was Hyperion/Fall of Hyperion. Also, something like Macbeth seems apt, since it is about his rise to power and subsequent fall.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:14 am
by dbooks
I am thinking about Temptation, by Douglas Kennedy, about David Armitage, a screenplay writer who becomes famous almost overnight, and then is accused of plagiarism...

The Job, also by Douglas Kennedy, would fit your request to. It is about a magasine advertising salesman, who climbs the social ladder and becomes quite wealthy until a bad choice makes him lose everything...

In a way, Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens, also fits, if you consider it is about the rise, and subsequent fall, of the main character's expectations...

There are probably many more, but none that comes to mind right now... Yes, daboens, who do you need them? I'm curious... :smile:

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:36 pm
by Q
The original Rise and fall was of "...the Roman Empire", which is the title often given (but wrong) for "The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" by Edward Gibbon, 1781 to 1789 . Volumes I to VI so you may even be able to count it as six. But I suppose you knew that. Isaac Azimov used it as the basis for his 'Foundation" Science Fiction series, so you could count coup on those too.

It is an odd assignment; you just need to account for the titles?

:) Q

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:19 pm
by ayemea

I don't know if it would be fitting, but I just thought about 'the lord of the rings' because the plan Sauron made with the rings went totally wrong in the end.