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Daisy from Dallas Area

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:24 pm
by Daisy
Hi Everyone,

I am Daisy and I live in a rural northern suburb of Dallas, TX. I am a working mother of DS (7) and DD (4).

I am a web based training designer for a large mortgage banking company.

My DH is a full time stay at home dad, and retired from the US Air Force.

We met and married when we were both stationed in San Antonio, TX - both in the Air Force.

I have always loved to read. As a child I had few friends, and reading was something I could escape in.

My husband isn't much of a reader, but we are teaching our children to be.

I don't want yet another item to add to my calendar, so I thought an online group of reading enthusiasts would be good.

I like a wide variety of books, and I had no interest in celebrity book clubs.

Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your group. I hope to be a good contributor.

~Daisy :smile:

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 2:41 pm
by Ophelia
Hello Daisy, welcome to Booktalk! :smile:

I can see that you've already written a few posts, that's lovely. I am looking forward to discussions with you.

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 2:50 pm
by Daisy
Bon Jour, Ophelia.

I know just enough French to be dangerous. LOL

Just wanted to pop back and say that the 10 post rule isn't a bad one. I would've reached it earlier had it not been for a family emergency.

So, now I'm back and raring to go on at least Walden. I'll have to see with the fiction, but it sounds interesting.

Hopefully I will have 25 posts soon so I may win a book, but work just gave me another 200 gift certificate to BarnesandNoble, so that will be fun too.

Nice to get to know folks.


Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:59 pm
by Yuvie
Hi Daisy, thanks for your message. I'm looking forward to it too.

Welcome Daisy....

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 9:10 pm
by wtownandrews
I'm just finding my way around here myself!

It's a busy group here. Shouldn't be too hard to work our way up to 25 posts, I think.

Have Fun!


Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:01 am
by Chris OConnor
Nice to meet you, Daisy. :)

Welcome to BookTalk. I'm glad you don't find the 25+ post requirement too challenging. It isn't meant as a challenge, but as a means to keep the book polls honest.