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Hi From UK

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2003 5:29 pm
by PeterDF
I've just had a look round the site and it seems just the place to meet people who are ready to think things through properly - very much my kind of site.I have recently written my own book which is something of a hybrid between a novel and popular science. It takes man's place in nature as its theme arguing for a rationalistic approach to our understanding of it. It makes the case that it might be very dangerous for the survival of our civilisation, and even for the survival of our species, if we get this wrong.I am currently reworking parts of it, but hope to approach an agent soon.I do not have an academic background, so I am in contact with some scientists and the evolutionary biology department at a British University who have indicated that they will read extracts of the book to confirm that my ideas are not too unrealistic. Unfortunately I've been waiting for 4 weeks for a price so its not looking optimistic.I have been greatly influenced by the work of Steven Pinker, Richard Dawkins, Jane Goodall, and Franz de Waal. Great site, I feel as if I've just come home. Edited by: PeterDF at: 7/10/03 9:18 am

Re: Hi From UK

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2003 7:13 pm
by Chris OConnor
PeterDFNice to meet you! Welcome home. I'd love to learn more about this book of yours, so if you have any interest in sharing excerpts please feel free. You could post them in The Writing Center or even in The Academy. And once your book hits the market you are free to plug it on our book suggestions thread. Quote:It makes the case that it might be very dangerous for the survival of our civilisation, and even for the survival of our species, if we get this wrong.I would love if you explained this some more. You mean our species is in danger if we don't learn to approach life rationally? If this is your argument I'm in agreement.Anyway...its good to have you join us here at BookTalk. Feel free to jump right into any conversation or show up for our Thursday night chats. Chris "When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,for there you have been, and there you will always want to be."

Re: Hi From UK

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 8:30 am
by PeterDF
Hi Chris thanks for the welcome. Nice to be on board.To answer your question, the thesis in the book denies a place for the ladder of creation in that wedid not evolve from animals but that we evolved with them. I argue that we carry with us innate behavioural attributes, which were appropriate in whatever Evolutionarily Stable Strategy was in place at the time we evolved. (The use of the word "appropriate" in this context means appropriate only in the service of the propagation of genes

Re: Hi From UK

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 1:54 pm
by tarav
PeterDF, Welcome! It seems that our interests are very similar. I too have read Dawkins, Goodall, De Waal, and Diamond(including The Third Chimpanzee, as you suggested in another thread). I am going to read Pinker's The Blank Slate. I am a member of GAP(Great Ape Project). That is where I received the article by David Suzuki. You may want to check GAP out. Your description of your book seems in line with their endeavors. I hope that you do post excerpts from your book, as Chris suggested. Edited by: tarav at: 7/10/03 10:27 am

Re: Hi From UK

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 5:04 am
by PeterDF
Thanks for your suggestion I'll check it out. We are members of the Jane Goodall Institute which is also a worthy institution.In view of some of the views on creationism I found in the "unweaving" thread, I thought it a good idea to post the extract from the book where I undermine creationism. (It was essential to do this in the book in order that my thesis had a firm foundation.)You can find it in the writing centre under the title "Demolishing creationism - An extract." Edited by: PeterDF at: 7/10/03 9:22 am

Re: Hi From UK

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2003 4:35 pm
by tarav
PeterDF, Goodall is awesome. I persuaded my principal to allow me to raise money for the school to become JGI chimp guardians. I was planning on putting in most of the money myself. I was surprised when we raised over $600! I also took off work to attend a lecture she was giving here. Unfortunately the lecture was in the mountains. It snowed so much that they closed the main roads getting from my house to the lecture. I was pretty upset. I hope to have another chance to see her.

Re: Hi From UK

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 3:43 am
by PeterDF
What a shame! I hope you get another chance to see her. I've seen her twice. The first time was at the Great Ape Event, which was one of the most moving experiences of my life. I had already decided to write my book but his made me more determined than ever to try and make a difference. I have written to her for some information to help me with my book - that was some time ago; haven't heard anything yet, but I live in hope.Jane Goodall has a quiet dignity that I've never seen in anyone else. I don't agree with her spiritualistic approach but she has changed the world and made it a better place.The Event was held in Westminster Central Hall and through the windows you could see Big Ben and Westminster Abbey all lit up, it was spectacular. It was chaired by Sir David Attenborough and each of the Great Ape species was represented by one expert. Birute Galdikas, Ian Redmond, Jo Thompson and Jane. I could already hear little sobs in the audience while the others were speaking, but when Jane spoke most people were in tears. (Not me of course; I'm British.) Try to get to see her if you can and good luck with your campaigning.

Re: Hi From UK

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 12:16 pm
by NaddiaAoC
PeterDF,Welcome to BookTalk! It's great to have you here. Nad

Re: Hi From UK

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 3:01 pm
by tarav
Peter, It's awesome that you've seen Goodall twice. I cry while reading her books so I'm sure that I'd be bawling listening to her in person! I'm not much of a crier myself, but the situation of chimps(and all apes)in the wild and in captivity truly worries me. I've actually considered a career change to working at an ape sanctuary. I wrote to Roger Fouts about recommending a sanctuary that he would approve of since I agree with his views on chimps in captivity. He hasn't written back either. I didn't really expect him to. I wrote to a former evolution professor from the university I attended asking for book recommendations. He is semi-known(Dr. Blumenschine). He didn't even write back! In general, I think that scientists, especially publishing scientists, are just too busy to deal with people like me! Being a writer, you may have more luck. I hope that you hear from Goodall.

Re: Hi From UK

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2003 12:19 pm
by PeterDF
TaraI know she got the letter because I rang the director of JGI UK and he said he had taken it to her personally. I plan to ring him again soon to hurry it along. I'll let you know what happens