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Hi Everyone, I'm Fio

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:53 pm
by Memina
Figured I'd go ahead and introduce myself.
Hello Everyone! My name is Fiorella and I'm 20 years old. I recently graduated from Florida State University and have gotten back into reading. I used to read a lot before starting college...well college was distracting and busy and I probably didn't read a single book that wasn't required. I recently got a job with the World Food Bank in Panama City, Panama :whot: and I am extremely excited!! Downside...I don't know anyone there, much less people that enjoy to read and discuss. I was looking for an online solution that that problem an I think I found it :smile: .
I love books, when I was younger I used to read a book a week, and this last couple of months after my graduation its been like I never stopped reading for my personal enjoyment. I enjoy all kinds of books, I enjoy learning and I love anything that deals with theories of international relations and interactions.
I've never really joined a forum like this before and I've never discussed a book online before, so wish me luck!

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:08 pm
by Ophelia
Hello Fio, welcome to Booktalk! You're at the right place. :smile:

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 4:55 pm
by Penelope
Fio...look how much older I am than you!!

But I never joined another online discussion group either...and on here is where it is at.....

We all fall out and argue.....and then realise we have so much in common.

There is a great feeling of 'community'....and though it is absolutely exasperating at will never feel lonely....

I do hope you stay with us....Welcome!!

I am interested in 'The World Food Bank' - that sounds like a really worthwhile occupation. What does it involve?

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:01 am
by Memina
Thank you so much for welcoming me! I look forward to becoming more and more involved.
Penelope, I'm referring to the World Food Programme, "Food Bank" is what my coordinator and I have been calling it throughout the placement process and I guess it stuck :roll: sorry for the confusion. I'll actually be working for the WFP in an interagency project alongside UNICEF and UNAIDS in a project that will address the relationship between food and nutrition insecurity and HIV vulnerability. I'm very excited about it but also very nervous :( .

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:36 am
by Penelope
Well Memina - that sounds like a very worthwhile job indeed and I am very proud to be in touch with you!!!

I should think there will be a lot of job satisfaction in your work and certainly worth suffering the initial nervous tension.

Good Luck!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 9:20 pm
by Chris OConnor
Welcome to Fio. :smile: