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Book Movies

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 9:14 pm
by sweisser
I am gearing up, once again, to see a movie based upon a children's book. I have been very disappointed as of late because I always believe the book to be better.

The one thing I have noticed is that when a movie is made, my students all want to read the book. The new Inkheart movie has gotten my kids into a fervor about getting it read ahead of time. What do you all think about this? Before I was a children's librarian I hated it but now I am reaping the benefits - kids reading!! Also, Tale of Despereaux is coming out - kids have been streaming into the library for the book. That is my job, get the kids reading.

Oh and what about the ratings? Some of the books we read with students when we do book studies, such as Indian in the Cupboard or Bridge to Terabithia, are rated PG13, which we cannot show at an elementary school.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:42 pm
by astrid
are you familiar with "Tuck Everlasting"? My niece saw the movie and then read the book and loved both. (just a suggestion)

also if you could find it "Black Beauty" has been made several times as a movie(quite a few years ago though) -- the book was excellent when I read it as a youngin.

How about the old classic-- "Old Yeller"

hmmmm seems my suggestions are all of times way gone by-- wonder if kids nowadays would still find these enjoyable..... :?:


Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 6:34 pm
by lexley
When is Inkheart coming out? Or has the movie already? I really do want to read this before I see the movie. Has anyone read this?

harry potter?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 6:42 pm
by Laser Harbor
It is funny how movies compel, not just children, but people of all ages to want to read more. Look at the epidemic we have now with J.K. Rowlings series Harry Potter. While each movie is being made people all over the country are flocking to any store that sells the book to get a headstart on the movie.

Astrid: Kids these days are definately not reading as much as they should, with all the video games and all, but the "Classics" you suggested are really great reads. Hence the reason they are classics.

I think they make the movies to try to persuade kids back into picking up a book instead of a video game controller. If you think about it, a movie is just one big picture they can link to the book as they read, possibly even boosting the kids reading comprehension.