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Customer Service

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:33 pm
by Laser Harbor
I'd like to know what peoples stance is on the commonly heard;

"The customer is always right"

Do you agree? Disagree? Why?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:46 pm
by Thrillwriter
Customer Service has definitely gone by the wayside in many instances. However, there are times when a customer is just down right rude.
When I worked retail, a customer came in wanting to return a pair of panties. Well ... it was clear they had been worn and washed. ;-)
The company policy, clearly stated on a sign at the register and printed on the receipt, no refunds or exchanges of under garments.
I tried to be very nice to the lady as she continued to rant and rave, screaming at me and calling me names; waving the panties in the air. Finally, she gave up and threw the panties in my face. :shock: She promptly, turned and walked out. It was difficult not to tell her to get bent! In that case, the customer was wrong.
I still believe in good customer service.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:54 pm
by Interbane
Of course the customer isn't always right. It's a personnel management tool that employers make their employees use to increase customer satisfaction. It used to be that if you were familiar with the phrase, you were most definitely in the customer service industry(such as front desk staff). Now the phrase is known everywhere, it's almost the battle cry of new age entitlement philosophy shoppers. They can go to hell.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:59 pm
by Thrillwriter
You really shouldn't hold back. Let us know how you really feel about it.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:14 pm
by Interbane

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:18 pm
by Thrillwriter
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

That's more like it. :laugh:

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:20 am
by Laser Harbor
Easy Joe you'll burst a blood vessel.

Well then let me ask this. If an employee had to abide by this, how do you think it would affect said employee?

Take Thrillwriters' panty encounter for example. What if she was reemed by her employeer for not excepting the panties and giving a refund which coincidentally lost the company future revenue from the unhappy sissy la la. (by sissy la la I mean customer)

Then rewind it, flip it, and reverse it. Later down the road a similiar dilema occurs with the return of used/washed unmentionables and Thrillwriter (recalling the last scenario) decides to side with the costumer and let them exchange the underwear or refund their money in hopes of avoiding the last series of events but again is reemed by the boss for not following company policy.

How do you react? What would your stance on customer service be after that?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:37 pm
by Interbane
I wouldn't accept the underwear, and if the customer pressed me I'd smell them then pretend to gag and throw them back. If my boss reamed me, I'd ream him back. :evil:

Well, that's what I'd like to do, but the reality would be a bit more mellow.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:58 am
by Laser Harbor
So let me get this straight; realistically you like to sniff underwear?

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:34 am
by Interbane
Sure, I'm a sniffing reamer!