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Please help me find the right book

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 9:53 am
by silverishkitten
Hello people... I didn't know where to post this. No boards really seem to fit.

But anyway. I have a problem here that I need help with. I want to find a a book for a girl that I don't really know. But a girl whose situation is bad. I don't know her well, but my BF does... And I always wanted to meet her.
See, she used to be this really cool person who was into art, music, alternative style... She was really nice and innocent. She was my BFs best friend for many years, and w both feel a loss now.
About 2 years ago, they fell out of contact because she became busy all of a sudden. I kept bugging my bf to meet up with her and maintain the contact, but it was sort of impossible as almost all ways of communication were non existent. She never visited her online art account anymore, and never went on her instant messenger, and wouldn't respond to his calls.

Then recently she popped on aim randomly... Completely changed.
She acted as if it didn't matter that 2 years went by, and as he asked what she'd been up to... It seems that she gave up on art, music and all that... She's... pretty much 'normal' now. She's attending some business school. The reason for all this, is something I want to keep private. But we investigated and asked some of her old friends what had happened, and get told a very sad story.. I don't wanna make it public here.

But right now, we're desperately trying to get in contact with her. At least he should speak to her, because I think he can help. But she wont let people in her life.

But now that you know the background story, I can move on to my request. I was thinking long and hard on how to deal with this case, and thought that blatantly asking her to change back will do absolutely nothing... But it is our suspicion that she'll end up in sorrow and regret if she doesn't listen to herself... But on the other hand. how do we know what is her true self?
But I was thinking that maybe they could meet up.... Talk... Catch up on each others life. But.. He should bring a gift. A book. A really good one that teaches about life and staying true to oneself. I want the book to be very epic and artistic. The thing is.. I do not know any such book, and the book world is too huge for me to go off on my own and look for one. That's why I'm asking you people.
Which book could you suggest that would wake feelings of art and all that. Maybe a fantasy book of sorts.
I'm thinking that a book is a good idea because it is private and it lets you think for yourself, unlike movies. It would make a great impression.

So.. Can anyone help me here?

Good Book

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 9:14 pm
by Suzanne E. Smith
I don't know if you have ever read or heard of this book, but I read Watership Down when I was going through a separation with my now ex-husband, and it helped alot.

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 9:28 pm
by silverishkitten
The rabbit book?

I saw the cartoon once... It was quite nice.

I never read it tho :(

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 11:40 pm
by poettess
I was at a loss and running through the books I've read to see if any match what you are looking for but came up with nothing. I put "fiction artist" into the search engine google and it came up with a list on of books that were fiction and about artists. Through that list I came across this one here which sounded very inspirational and epic...psychological as well: ... lmf_tit_17

But if you would like to browse the list to see if anything suits your fancy more directly, here is the link to it: ... T1W4AMV6IK

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:05 am
by etudiant
Have a look at "Care of the Soul" by Thomas Moore.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:39 am
by Suzanne
Do you think reading about others who have faced obstacles in their lives may help. Sometimes empathy for others, can create empathy for themselves. Does that sound funny. I guess, I mean sometimes people forget to have sympathy and empathy for themselves until they experience it through others. It may help to regain self esteem.

The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
by Carson McCullers

She's Come Undone
Wally Lamb

Also, author Kent Haruf writes novels that are sad, funny, and hopeful.
The Tie That Binds


Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:08 am
by Interbane
Probably a gamble, could be the opposite of what she needs, but you never know: ... 0143035002

Fantasy series devoted to creating things, craftsmanship, and art: ... se&x=0&y=0

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 8:03 pm
by Aussie_Lifter
Honestly, if you give a self-help type of book she'll see straight through it.

Get your bf to think of something they used to do or talk about alot together, this will make her remember how she was when she was younger.

Your goal shouldn't be to change her, but to remind her of the support and common interests that the friendship between your bf and her contained.

I assume she is only 20. This is a crazy time career/life direction wise, so don't judge her. Just be there for her.

Re: Please help me find the right book

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 3:42 am
by Robert Tulip
silverishkitten wrote: maybe they could meet up.... Talk... Catch up on each others life. But.. He should bring a gift. A book. A really good one that teaches about life and staying true to oneself.
Hello Silverishkitten, what a beautiful request. I would recommend Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

help choosing a book

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 2:27 pm
by Suzanne
Jonathon Livingston Seagull! What a wonderful sugesstion Robert.