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Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:57 pm
by The Real Macai
Hello. I'm new to BookTalk, but I'm not new to Internet forums, which appears to be more or less what this site is, with the obvious addition of officially regulated book readings. In fact, the officially regulated book reading idea is exactly what caught my attention and sparked my interest.

My real name is Luke, but on the Internet I go by the name "Macai," or "The Real Macai," depending on what the person addressing me prefers. Actually, I answer to Luke as well, so nevermind all of that. I'm twenty-one years old. I live in a very rural portion of New York, in a town that's got under two thousand people living in it.

The kinds of books I typically read are usually fantasy, science fiction, and horror, in either novel or short story collection forms. I also read a lot of roleplaying books. You know, like Dungeons and Dragons and World of Darkness supplements, which actually read like text books, except they describe game rules and setting rather than an aspect of the real world.

Not only do I read the roleplaying books, but if it's not entirely obvious, I also play the roleplaying games. It's one of my favorite pastimes. If it hasn't been made totally clear yet that I'm a complete dork, I'd like to add that I'm a hobbyist computer programmer.

I'm hoping to make a few friends and see where it goes from there. If I made any grammar errors, I apologize. I didn't exactly proofread this message. If my conversational tone is inappropriate, I also apologize.

Hope to see you soon.

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:42 pm
by Chris OConnor
Welcome to :smile:

We seem to have a lot in common as fantasy books and games are high on my favorites list. I played Everquest I and II for many years, then moved to World of Warcraft. Now I avoid MMORPGs because I find them far too addictive and incredibly immersive.

Frank (one of our mods) and I played pen and paper AD&D when we were in high school. But like the online games I drifted away due to real world responsibilities. But damn do I miss both AD&D and online gaming. :cry:

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 7:15 pm
by Aussie_Lifter
Hey The Real Macai.

Do you get around to playing old RPGs?
I just started a new game of Secret of Mana.