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Cool Online Study

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 5:48 pm
by tarav
I went to ... s-p1-so-i0
to watch a clip about research on implicit biases. For me, the most interesting part of the research is this: the finding of an implicit bias DOES NOT equal conscious bias. The successful female scientest has strong bias toward men/career and the liberal male scientist has strong bias toward white/good. This just shows us that we are not slaves to our predilections! We may have a propensity or predisposition but we always the ability over-ride such tendencies. I decided to go to
to participate in the research they showed in the clip. There is what I think is a training test you go through first. I showed no bias in this first test. I went on to take the second test on religion and science. I have a strong automatic association of religion with false and science with true. This did not surprise me!
You may want to go take the test too! Please post about it if you do!

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:46 am
by Krysondra
I think the first one that they gave me was a test, too. However, the second test was about liberalism and conservatism and to quote:
Your data suggest a slight automatic association between Self and Liberal.
Maybe my fingers fumbled too much. *G*


Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 8:41 am
by Suzanne
I also took one on religion. It may have been different than the one Tarav took, there were some interesting questions, but not many on science. One interesting question was "do you think you can move objects with your mind"? Wierd, came out of the blue, kinda like saying "are you paying attention?" They also asked me to rate my feelings on equality and freedom, "which is better for your country". I had a hard time with this one, it seems to me equality and freedom are simular. The more equality in the country, the more freedom. They seem to go hand in hand.

The results of this test were very suprising to me. I consider myself an agnostic. The test results said that I felt warmer to Judism than Christianity. I was brought up in a home with one parent practicing Christianity, and one parent, who was more agnostic than Christian. I went to church every Sunday with my dad. My mother never clairified exactly her beliefs, except to say that a child should be exposed to religion, but not indoctrinated until they are old enough to decide for themselves. I was an odd child, asking odd questions about God, but my mother would always engage in conversations with me, where my father would not.

I know more about the Christian religion than I do about Judism. I never practiced Judism. I am suprised that the results would show warmer feelings to a religion that I have had no experience. It does reinforce my belief that I am an agnostic, I don't think I would need a test for that frankly, but it may also say something about my feelings towards my parents, and upbringing as well. :hmm:

Very interesting Tarav, not sure what to think of about the results, but interesting.


Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:10 pm
by tarav
That is interesting, Suzanne. What's neat about these kinds of tests is that they get you thinking. Your results probably got you thinking about something you would not have otherwise pondered.
I am glad that you and Krysondra participated in the study and posted about it.