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Every now and again something odd falls out of the sky.

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 3:35 am
by Odd Greg

My name is Greg. I decided to prepend my name with “Odd” in deference to observations made concerning my personality by strangers, friends and an employer or two. I wear it like a crown. You may have noticed.

I currently reside in Vancouver, BC, CANADA where I tolerate a form of working retirement with my cat, my computer and my floppy corduroy hat. It’s summer now and no time for corduroy of any kind, but it fits and keeps the sun out of my eyes.

I read books (sometimes obsessively, ofttimes occasionally and not at all the remainder of the time) for pleasure, for study, for technical information and to pass the time waiting for the Sky Train or sleep. I hate my favorite authors when they are at their finest. I find that some forms of hate and love are hard to distinguish from each other. Either way, I adore them.

I write, too. Sometimes prolifically, occasionally inconsistently and frequently never seem to get around to finishing what I’ve started. This state of affairs in respect to writing is due to possessing a mind that is given to flittering hither and yon - digressing from a stream of thought to study some aspect of it, then continuing in recursive digressions until my thoughts are way over there. I mean well.

I hadn’t meant to register at Book Talk. I was flipping my time between web coding and programming an iPhone application when I decided I’d take another look. (I really should have been reading or writing.) My friend mentioned the site some days past, and I’ve been flirting with it now and again. It’s safe to say that I’ve registered (evidence to the contrary being non-existent.)

I look forward to one day entering one of your many book discussions and getting to know some of you.


Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:16 pm
by Chris OConnor
Howdy, Odd Greg. Welcome to the community. :smile:

That was one of the most entertaining intros we've had in a long time.