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Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:57 am
by lottebeertje
Yesterday there were a lot of World Cup Qualification games and Roddick was beaten by Isner on the US Open. The Vuelta is underway. Valentino Rossi won yet another Grand Prix. The Brussels Golden League has finished its twelve-year run and will be replaced by a Diamond League.

What sports do you like to watch? Do you watch sports in which your country is not represented? Do you sport yourself?

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:57 am
by Chris OConnor
I'm not personally into sports, but I can appreciate them to an extent. I definitely don't consider them to be a waste of time or meaningless. It just so happens that I lived a life far removed from sports and I just never developed the interest.

Of all the possible sports to watch on TV my favorites would be ice hockey and then the winter Olympics.

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:25 pm
by DWill
You mention the Vuelta, and bike racing happens to be perhaps the only sport that enthralls me. Since I get my TV free via antenna, I haven't been able to watch much cycling, but now I receive a broadcast channel called Universal Sports that is showing the Vuelta with same-day coverage. Paradise! Part of the attraction is that I'm a cyclist myself, several orders of magnitude removed from the pros we're seeing now. But I can imagine what it must be like to ride like them, with them, so it's an exercise in fantasy. I could become interested in other sports, too, and I do follow a few casually, but for me it's a matter of time available. My priority is to read, and to some extent to write, so I try to keep competing interests in check.

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:04 am
by lottebeertje
I also like watching the Winter Olympics, any Olympics for that matter, and mainly speed skating because the Dutch are very good at that :)

Re: Sports

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:53 pm
by bluet
Except for a bit of Olympics watching I don't watch sports at all, although I am married to an avid sports fan. I have tried to watch, but always my mind starts wandering and I eventually stop. I will, however, go to an occasional local baseball game, mainly for the ambience, the hotdogs and beer. :D