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How many books on your TBR?

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:56 pm
by Fiona
This is my favourite subject - my TBR. I find it fascinating, beautiful and... oppressive. Hehe.

I've made a list of all my books that I won to be read... ... utput=html

There's about 350 there... does anyone else have a nightmarish TBR or do you only get books from the library... or read books straight away as you buy them?

Re: How many books on your TBR?

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 8:18 pm
by wilde
Infinite; my TBR list will never end. :wink:

Re: How many books on your TBR?

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 3:45 am
by Chris OConnor
I recently donated several hundred books that I have already read and left my shelves with primarily books I plan to read. So my list of books to be read is in front of me on my bookshelves.

Re: How many books on your TBR?

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:43 am
by lottebeertje
There are more on it than I would like... but some books have my preference, like The Divine Comedy, but unfortunately I'm unable to get those. Mostly if I lay my hands on any international classic, they're either very expensive or in Dutch, and in Dutch some sentences are so deformed and lose their nuance that it isn't very fun to read. English has much more different words with different nuances, so reading in English is better, I guess...
I've recently started reading Combray in Dutch, though, as I've always wanted to read Proust. :)

Re: How many books on your TBR?

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:25 pm
by etudiant
You make an interesting comment about translation lottebeertje. English does have many more words than most other major languages, but I hadn’t thought of it as necessarily more descriptive. English has incorporated many terms from other languages over the years. I must confess my ignorance of other languages however. Here in North America it is easy to be lazy, as English is overwhelmingly the language of the continent. I had always imagined Italian as a very descriptive and nuanced language, but I guess it depends on the topic to a large extent. The Inuit can be very nuanced when talking about snow, I’m told.

As for my TBR list, I usually only have six or eight or so titles waiting, but it is a floating list, continually topped up after cruising the book stores, or hearing a tip from places like this forum.

Re: How many books on your TBR?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:14 am
by oblivion
Uh, we're actually expected to be able to count them???????
Do the ones you tuck under your pillow at night to absorb by osmosis count as well?

Re: How many books on your TBR?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:48 pm
by wilde
Okay, well, here are a few of the books on my library reserve list. :lol: Didn't include authors; too lazy to look them up. :x

Queen Victoria, Demon Hunter
Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter
The upcoming, currently untitled Bioshock novel (not on my library list yet, it's due out in June)
Kingdom of Ohio
Alice I Have Been
Valley-Westside War
Mr Shivers
Dragon Keeper
Dear John (shush! :blush: )
Diving Into the Wreck
The Last Days of Krypton
The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Except the Queen

Re: How many books on your TBR?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 12:35 am
by Sofia
way too long