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Hello all...

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:56 pm
by thomaspatrick
Just a quick note 2 say 'HI' 2 everyone. I m new 2 the group, :shock: , and have been looking 4 a place 2 discuss and share my love 4 books 4 a long time! I m m/39/6'1"/210lbs/brn/haz/divorced/kids/police officer & directv... I m what id guess u could call 'new' 2 books, well reading. :lol: I m EXTREMELY intelligent, Im told, in all areas except anything 2 do with english class. I hated it!!! I truely had never read a whole book till I was about 34yo. So now i have alot of catching up 2 do, and look 4ward 2 my reading time everyday. I really hope that I have found a good place 2 find friends and chat about our readings. I m a VERY open person and m up 4, or interested in, any type of conversation and mutual debate. Cya, chat ya up soon 8)

Re: Hello all...

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 3:59 pm
by DarrenHumby
Thomaspatrick welcome to the forum, I am sure you will find some great info on many genres to catch your interest and great chat to on these boards.

Re: Hello all...

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:28 am
by wsscotti
Just stopping in to say hello. Better late than never to have interest in books. Any ideas on what direction your going genre wise?

Re: Hello all...

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:00 pm
by Chris OConnor
Welcome to the community! I loved your intro. :)