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Hi There

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:55 pm
by froglipz
I'm froglipz, I'm from NH originally but have migrated to Minnesota, so far. I wandered here because I was in search of a book club. I have long wanted to see what a book club would be like, and now that I have a little more free time on my hands than I used to (not really, but sort of) I decided to begin online. So I Googled my way here.

Re: Hi There

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:32 pm
by bleachededen
Google did a good job. I think you'll find what you're looking for here, and then some. I know I have! Good luck and keep reading. Hope to see your responses on the boards soon!

Re: Hi There

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:49 pm
by froglipz
Thanks, I like it already :)

Re: Hi There

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:33 am
by GaryG48
Hi froglipz. Google is how I found this board too. Welcome

Re: Hi There

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:41 pm
by DarrenHumby
Hi frog
I found it through a friend, who found it through google ;-) welcome to the board!

Re: Hi There

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:41 pm
by Chris OConnor
Welcome to the community. :) Now what's up with the name "froglipz?" LOL

Re: Hi There

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:58 pm
by Broockylon

I found out about booktalk the same way- through Google! I agree with you froglipz- I have been thinking about joining a book club for some time now, and have not been able to find any with my friends around the city- so I decided I would look online! And here I am... Any good suggestions on where to begin?!

-Broockylon :D

Re: Hi There

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:07 am
by froglipz
LoL back in the day of being addicted to chat, I was making fun of a couple of people who were being too intimate in too public a room, and they were saying "sweet cakes" and "snuggle bunny" till we all wanted to barf. I started mocking them with "frog lips" and "buffalo butt" and the nickname just sort of stuck on me. NOW no one else ever uses it so it is always available no matter how busy the room/bb/website is...

Thanks everyone for the welcomes :)

Re: Hi There

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:09 pm
by Saffron

Re: Hi There

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:29 am
by DarrenHumby
Hello Sidney
Welcome to the forum.