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Michael Jackson's death a Hoax.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:51 pm
by missyannlala
I've been watching so many videos on Youtube about how MJ's death is all one huge hoax to throw off the media. That there are so many clues for the fans to realize that he's not really dead...mainly hiding for the sake and privacy of a life with his kids.

I'm 50-50 about the whole damn thing..but there are so many odd things about the funeral, the ambulance leaving his house.. Only ONE photo of him on a stretcher in the ambulance with a breathing tube in his mouth...Why have a breathing tube if he was said to be dead? Why only one photo? There were tons of paparazzi around his home.

A lot of things just don't add up to me.

Another conspiracy theory is that the Illuminati killed Michael Jackson, because he spoke out against what they wanted him to do with his career/music/tours..etc.
Jay-Z is a huge Illuminati representative..he even throws up their sign..

sorry this is a terrible rant. and I probably seem very paranoid. haha.
look this stuff up man!

Re: Michael Jackson's death a Hoax.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:55 pm
by wilde
I don't know, it sounds very disrespectful to his family.

Re: Michael Jackson's death a Hoax.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 12:01 am
by bleachededen
Of course it's a hoax. He's having fried chicken and milkshakes with Elvis as we speak. Didn't you guys get the memo? :lol:

Re: Michael Jackson's death a Hoax.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 2:20 am
by froglipz
And Jim Morrison is smoking a ...........cigarette, that's it....a cigarette out on the balcony too

Re: Michael Jackson's death a Hoax.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:59 pm
by Chris OConnor
There is no chance this is a hoax.

Re: Michael Jackson's death a Hoax.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:35 pm
by FuzzBunny
I would agree, especially with the doctor heading off to prison for manslaughter.

Re: Michael Jackson's death a Hoax.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:49 am
by missyannlala
but, did you know that no doctor signed his death certificate...Latoya did. However, she's not legally allowed to sign it.


Re: Michael Jackson's death a Hoax.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 1:12 am
by bleachededen
Do you know this for certain? Did you see the document? Just because something is said in the media doesn't mean it's true.

Re: Michael Jackson's death a Hoax.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 1:22 am
by bleachededen
Just to share the seeming source of this insanity:

That website scares the [expletive deleted] out of me. It has the stench of cultism all over it, and all I can do to stay sane is to pretend I never saw it.

So far I can't find any links that don't lead back to that page. That's the hoax right there, the hoax itself is a hoax. If you truly believe anything those people are touting, I truly fear for your sanity and your intellect. I mean no offense here, but the obvious, glaring absurdities mentioned on this page have no basis in fact or reality, and should be written off immediately.

Michael Jackson is [expletive deleted] dead, and nothing a bunch of moronic cult-minded attention seekers try to dredge up will prove otherwise. Let's go back to looking for ghosts and aliens, those quests are far more interesting and fun, despite their lack of evidence and similar lunacy. Maybe we'll find Michael Jackson's ghost in the process, and he can tell those crazy hoaxers to STFU.

Re: Michael Jackson's death a Hoax.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:49 am
by Suzanne
I believe that Latoya supplied Michael Jackson's personal information, his race, his address, etc. The coroner signed the certificate, if a doctor does not sign a death certificate it is not valid. The contents of the will have become public, Jackson wanted his mother to have custody of the kids. This would mean that the will was probated. Without a valid certificate, signed by a medical doctor, the doctor who pronounced him dead, the will could not be probated, and the kids would become wards of the court. Because this is not what happened, by legal procedure, Michael Jackson is dead.