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Video games

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 4:50 am
by Suzanne
I have found myself with a little more free time on my hands recently, and I am astonished to say that in my middle age, I have become a gamer. OK, I’m obsessed really, I have taken over my son’s Wii to play Resident Evil games. It got so bad at one point, my son took and hid the Wii unit, he told me I was being unproductive. HA! I started with RE Archives, and now have moved on to RE 4. I find killing zombies to be very therapeutic, even though I have been told that I curse at the screen frequently. And every time I get my head cut off, it actually hurts a little. So I was wondering who else enjoys video games, and which types do you like to play? And, can anyone recommend another RE for me?

Re: Video games

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 1:01 pm
by wilde
Wii's for beginners. :twisted:

Nah, just kidding. I like the RE wii games a lot, if I'm playing with someone else.

If you have a 360 (Is it on other systems?), try RE 5. That's the newest one, and the only one I've played. RE 5 is also co-op, which was great for me since it was the first non-wii RE I played. It does focus more on action than spookiness, unlike the other RE games.

For the Wii, there's RE: Umbrella Chronicles & RE: Dark Side Chronicles. They're first person, and similar to those shooter games at arcades.

Re: Video games

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 5:52 am
by Suzanne
wilde wrote:Wii's for beginners.
You are right about this wilde. My boys, and husband play on other systems, but I can't learn how to use the controls! I like the simple Wii.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Re: Video games

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 1:17 pm
by wilde
I always have to get adjusted before playing Wii because I'm not used to the controls. :lol:

Re: Video games

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 1:24 pm
by Chris OConnor
Suzanne, read what I am about to say with caution. Seriously. You might look back on this post and want to kill me.

If you want the ultimate gaming experience give World of Warcraft a shot. Within an hour or two you will be so fully immersed you may never recover. WoW is so addictive that it destroys marriages and lives. I shit you not. It falls in the same category as Everquest, D&D Online, etc... But damn it's fun.

I am purposely not playing because I know what happens when you get a small dose. If you think you're addicted to the games you're currently playing you've seen nothing yet. Massively Multi-Player Online Roleplaying Games can take over your life. The average player plays over 40 hours per week and I doubt most of them planned to get that involved.

Re: Video games

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 5:03 pm
by wilde
Oh god. My brother and his friends, and one of my best friends plays that. I think one of them gets paid for it now.

My computer has enough problems handling Sims 2. :lol: But that's because I download stuff for it a loooot.

(Speaking of Sims 2, that's a good game too. That and WoW are addictive as hell. But before you buy any PC game you should probably check if you can run it. )

Re: Video games

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 5:06 pm
by Suzanne
Chris OConnor wrote:If you want the ultimate gaming experience give World of Warcraft a shot. Within an hour or two you will be so fully immersed you may never recover. WoW is so addictive that it destroys marriages and lives. I shit you not. It falls in the same category as Everquest, D&D Online, etc... But damn it's fun.

This is funny. My sons are really not that hooked on games, they do play Call of Duty sometimes, actually my husband is the one hooked on that one. WOW entered our house about three years ago, and my two sons were so adicted to it, we had to get rid of it. Summer is soon aproaching, and I know WOW will be back. They think I'm stupid, they tell me that they are using the 30 day free trial, they think I can't count or something because after about 60 days, they are still playing the free game. My husband works for the post office, he goes to work at 3:00 A.M., oftentimes, he would find them still on the computer playing. I will allow it in the house during the summer, as long as they keep active in other ways, but come fall, out it goes!

Have you ever played Call to Duty? I want to be able to play this soooo badly, but I just walk into walls and shoot the floor, then people yell at me. It's so funny to listen to my husband scream, "I've got monkies! What are you doing! Shit, I got the teddy bear!". It's on X box, and you wear a head set and talk to people while playing.

OK, I've got to get back to Ada, she needs to help Leon. :lol:

Re: Video games

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 7:16 pm
by wilde
I'm not much for Call of Duty, but I do share some of your playing online problems. You run into some of the weirdest people ever on Xbox Live. I've gotten yelled at for accidentally shooting people. (They jumped in front of me, I swear! :lol: )

You might like Left 4 Dead (1 or 2. I prefer 2 for multiple reasons). It's a zombie game like RE, but has more types of zombies (Boomers are the worst) and different controls. It's pretty easy to get the hang of it though.

I still need to get a mic. They're like $20, right?

Re: Video games

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 1:10 am
by Suzanne
wilde wrote:I still need to get a mic. They're like $20, right?
I really don't know. I do know we have gone through many of them, my dog likes to chew them up.

Re: Video games

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 1:28 am
by Chris OConnor
but I just walk into walls and shoot the floor, then people yell at me.
This is hilarious! :lol: