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MR Mistry

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:16 am
by mr mistry
Ni Everyone

My names is Nilesh, I'm 23, from west London

I like reading a wide range of books, fiction and non fiction, crime, conspiracy, comedy, adventure, horror, crime....

its a long story how I came across BookTalk, so if you cant be bothered to read it, don't worry bout it lol!

I'm partially sighted and was looking for audio books, or Braille, because although I do read a lot of print books, I have to use phat glasses which give me a headache after a while......anyway, the NLB website I was looking at had a link to BookTalk, and as it happens, I was looking for a reading group or book club to help me motivate myself to read more.

I chose BookTalk because it covers a wide range of books, fiction and non fiction, the people look cool, and there seems to be enough of a time period to read the book and discuss it!

however, is there a way to find out what book is going to be discussed next, so I can get hold of it in advance?

other boringness about me
I have a degree in creative music technology and computing, and I'm currently working on an online gift shop.0
i like music production and DJn, and most other types of creative media. (sound editing, video editing, image manipulation, web design, graphic design, etc etc....)
I want too write a book before I die
...uhhh I duno I think I've board you enough

look forward to discussing with you!
Mr Mistry!

Re: MR Mistry

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:51 pm
by NY152
Nice of you to drop on by MR Mistry. We do have a large range of books discussing in this website. If you go to view active topics and there is a discussion on what our next book talk is going to be. Right now it is The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle: A Novel Haruki Murakami and ALONE: Orphaned on the Ocean
Richard Logan & Tere Duperrault Fassbender.
My mother has glaucoma (disease in the eye) and uses the audiobooks a lot herself. She just loves them.
Hope to see you in the discussion forums.

Re: MR Mistry

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:08 am
by mr mistry
Thank you, I will go ahead and get the books now.

that's interesting, I also have congenital glaucoma in my left eye, and an artificial rite eye, audio books are good sometimes, now and then tho I like to read a print or Braille book and be able to imagine the voices my self if that makes sense.

Is there a way to save posts, I've been reading a lot of interesting creative writing articles on this forum that I would like to keep for future reference?

Re: MR Mistry

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:53 am
by Chris OConnor
Welcome to :)

Re: MR Mistry

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:23 am
by mr mistry
thank you :)

Re: MR Mistry

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:16 pm
by mr mistry
Hi Everyone

I no it seems like I signed up to book talk and got board quickly and left, but that's not the case, I was in hospital for a wile, then was busy looking for a new job, and a bunch of other boringness,

I'm back now, and intend to participate in the book discussions as planned.

While I was in hospital, I read the non fiction book predictably irrational, I see that the discussion for it is still up, even though it says it ends in august, should I post my discussion input while its still up, or just ignore that and start discussing the new 1?


Re: MR Mistry

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:52 pm
by President Camacho
Post! :D

Re: MR Mistry

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:38 pm
by Chris OConnor
Welcome back. :) I'm glad to see you're out of the hospital now.

You would need to copy and paste posts that you like into a word processor like Microsoft Word if you wanted to save them. Then again we don't delete posts so if you can bookmark a link to the posts you like then you don't have to save anything other than that link.

As a general rule we leave our book discussion forums up as long as people are actively discussing the books. If a book discussion period ends and then there are no more posts for a month we'll stick that forum down in the archives. But if people are showing an interest in still discussing a particular book that book forum will remain out in the open. Once book forums are placed in the archives they are still open for reading and comments.

Re: MR Mistry

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:32 am
by mr mistry
oh cool thanx